



Data collector

Question: Harmonised set

Question: Intent

Variable and question bank

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SQB result

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PayAmt2 : Amount of money paid for formal help not provided through LA or informal care (20+ hours in last week)
Question Text: How much money do you pay for the help given by [person who helps]? Please include any payments made for this care, even if not made directly to the care provider.
Health Survey for England, 2014
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SQB result

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PayAmt2 : Amount of money paid for formal help not provided through LA or informal care (20+ hours in last week)
Question Text: How much money do you pay for the help given by [person who helps]? Please include any payments made for this care, even if not made directly to the care provider.
Health Survey for England, 2013
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Displaying 1-2 of 2 results