



Data collector

Question: Harmonised set

Question: Intent

Variable and question bank

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SQB result

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sherqgs : Amount sherry (glasses) usually drank/day
Question Text: How much sherry or martini, including port, vermouth Cinzano and Dubonnet have you usually drunk on any one day?
Health Survey for England, 1999
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SQB result

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sherqgs : Amount sherry (glasses) usually drank/day
Question Text: How much sherry or martini, including port, vermouth Cinzano and Dubonnet have you usually drunk on any one day?
Health Survey for England, 1999
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SQB result

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sherqgs : Amount sherry (glasses) on heaviest day
Question Text: How much sherry or martini, including port, vermouth, Cinzano and Dubonnet have you usually drunk on any one day?
Health Survey for England, 1998
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Displaying 1-6 of 6 results