



Data collector

Question: Harmonised set

Question: Intent

Variable and question bank

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CHATT10 : Child attendance type
Question Text: At any time during the seven days ending Sunday the [DATE], did [NAME] attend any of the following? Out of school club (e.g. before/after school), [ASK ONLY IF CHILD OVER 2] 2 Hol...
Quarterly Labour Force Survey Household Dataset, September - November, 2002
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SQB result

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CHATT10 : Child attendance type
Question Text: At any time during the seven days ending Sunday the [DATE], did [NAME] attend any of the following? Play group, day nursery, nursery school, infant school, primary school, out of ...
Quarterly Labour Force Survey Household Dataset, September - November, 2001
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Displaying 1-2 of 2 results