



Data collector

Question: Harmonised set

Question: Intent

Variable and question bank

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MCZ_9 : And how much confidence do you have in the Civil Service?
Question Text: How much confidence do you have in the Civil Service? Is it... a great deal, quite a lot, not very much, none at all?
Opinions and Lifestyle Survey, Well-Being Module, October and November 2015 and January and May 2016
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MCZ_9 : Overall, how satisfied are you with the well-being of your child/children?
Question Text: Overall, how satisfied are you with the well-being of your child/children? Where 0 is 'not at all satisfied' and 10 is 'completely satisfied'.
Opinions and Lifestyle Survey, Well-Being Module, January, February, April and May, 2015
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MCZ_9 : Overall, how satisfied are you with the well-being of your child/children?
Question Text: Overall, how satisfied are you with the well-being of your child/children? Where 0 is 'not at all satisfied' and 10 is 'completely satisfied'.
Opinions and Lifestyle Survey, Well-Being Module, May - December, 2013 and January and February 2014
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MCZ_9 : Overall, how satisfied are you with the well-being of your child/children?
Question Text: Overall, how satisfied are you with the well-being of your child/children? Where 0 is 'not at all satisfied' and 10 is 'completely satisfied'.
Opinions and Lifestyle Survey, Well-Being Module, May - December, 2013 and January and February 2014
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MCZ_9 : Overall, how satisfied are you with the well-being of your child/children?
Question Text: Overall, how satisfied are you with the well-being of your child/children? Where 0 is 'not at all satisfied' and 10 is 'completely satisfied'.
Opinions and Lifestyle Survey, Well-Being Module, April, July and October, 2014
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MCZ_9 : I have been thinking clearly (over the last 2 weeks)
Question Text: I have been thinking clearly.
Opinions and Lifestyle Survey, Well-Being Module, January, February, March and April, 2013
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MCZ_9 : Overall, how satisfied are you with your mental well-being?
Question Text: Overall, how satisfied are you with your mental well-being? Where nought is 'not at all satisfied' and 10 is 'completely satisfied'.
ONS Opinions Survey, February 2012
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MCZ_9 : How important is it to you to learn new things?
Question Text: On a scale where nought is 'not at all important' and 10 is 'extremely important', how important is it to you to learn new things?
ONS Opinions Survey, March 2012
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MCZ_9 : Overall, how energised did you feel yesterday?
Question Text: Overall, how energised did you feel yesterday? Where nought is 'not energised at all' and 10 is 'completely energised'.
Opinions and Lifestyle Survey, April 2012
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MCZ_9 : How much of the time over the past four weeks have you felt so down in the dumps that nothing could cheer you up?
Question Text: How much of the time over the past four weeks have you felt so down in the dumps that nothing could cheer you up?
Opinions and Lifestyle Survey, July 2012
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Displaying 1-10 of 22 results