



Data collector

Question: Harmonised set

Question: Intent

Variable and question bank

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QDONE_02 : Done or HAD IN PLACE in the last year to try to reduce the risk that you will become the victim of a crime: Avoided certain areas / types of place
Question Text: Which, if any, of these things have you done or HAD IN PLACE in the last year to try to reduce the risk that you will become the victim of a crime? Not gone out at night/unaccompan...
Scottish Crime and Justice Survey, 2014-2015
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SQB result

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QDONE_02 : QDONE_02: Reduce crime risk: Avoided certain areas/types of place
Question Text: Which, if any, of these things have you done or HAD IN PLACE in the last year to try to reduce the risk that you will become the victim of a crime? Not gone out at night/unaccompan...
Scottish Crime and Justice Survey, 2012-2013
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