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AnnAVVot : How annoyed that UK govt held AV vote same day Scot Parl election? :Q418
Question Text: How do you feel about the fact that the UK government at Westminster held the vote on the Alternative Voting system on the same day as the Scottish Parliament election? (Please cho...
Scottish Social Attitudes Survey, 2011
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AnnNthEn : How annoyed when say North meaning North of Eng? :Q416
Question Text: And when people talk about the North when they mean the North of England? (Please choose an answer from the card.)
Scottish Social Attitudes Survey, 2011
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AnnOlymp : How annoyed that most Olympic events in Eng? :Q417
Question Text: Some people say they are annoyed because nearly all the events for the 2012 Olympic Games are being held in England. Others say it doesn't annoy them at all. Using the same card, p...
Scottish Social Attitudes Survey, 2011
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AnnParl : How annoyed when West Parl called Eng not Brit? :Q414
Question Text: And what if someone describes the Westminster Parliament in London as English rather than British? Please choose an answer from the card.
Scottish Social Attitudes Survey, 2011
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AnnQueen : How annoyed when Queen called Q of Eng? :Q415
Question Text: And what about when the Queen is called the Queen of England? (Please choose an answer from the card.)
Scottish Social Attitudes Survey, 2011
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AnnSport : How annoyed when Andy Murray Brit win, Scot lose? :Q413
Question Text: Some people say they are annoyed if a successful sportsman from Scotland such as Andy Murray is called 'British' when he wins and 'Scottish' when he loses. Others say it doesn't an...
Scottish Social Attitudes Survey, 2011
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AnnUKEl : How annoyed that UK govt postponed Scot Parl election to 2015? :Q419
Question Text: And how do you feel about the fact that the UK Government at Westminster has decided that the next Scottish Parliament election in 2015 should be postponed for a year to make way f...
Scottish Social Attitudes Survey, 2011
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AnyBN3 : Do you/your husband/wife/partner receive any of the state benefits or tax credits on this card at present? :Q694
Question Text: Do you (or your husband/wife/partner) receive any of the state benefits or tax credits on this card at present?
Scottish Social Attitudes Survey, 2011
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AusGPSco : How Scottish if born & living in Can/Aus, gndprts born in Scot? :Q352
Question Text: Finally, what about someone who was born, say, in Canada or Australia and has always lived there, but whose grandparents were born in Scotland? (In your opinion, how Scottish is th...
Scottish Social Attitudes Survey, 2011
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AVRef : In the AV referendum, did you vote for or against the alternative voting system?
Question Text: On May 5th there was also a referendum on the way that MPs are elected. On a grey ballot paper you were asked 'At present, the UK uses the 'first past the post' system to elect MP...
Scottish Social Attitudes Survey, 2011
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Displaying 1-10 of 485 results