



Data collector

Question: Harmonised set

Question: Intent

Variable and question bank

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choutpa2 : During the last 3 months, did your child attend the casualty or outpatient department of a hospital?
Question Text: During the last 3 months, did your child attend the casualty or outpatient department of a hospital as a patient (apart from straightforward postnatal visits)?
Continuous Household Survey, 2008-2009
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SQB result

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choutpa2 : In last 3 mths, child patient at hospital casualty/OPD (apart from ante/post-natal visits)?
Question Text: During the months of .. to .. (LAST TWO MONTHS), did any of your children under 16 attend as a patient the casualty or outpatient department of a hospital (apart from straightforwa...
Continuous Household Survey, 2007-2008
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SQB result

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choutpa2 : Did your child attend the casualty or outpatient department of a hospital as a patient?
Question Text: During the months of .. to .., did any of your children under 16 attend as a patient the casualty or outpatient department of a hospital (apart from straightforward post-natal visi...
Continuous Household Survey, 2006-2007
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Displaying 1-3 of 3 results