
UK Data Service variable record for:

OPCS Omnibus Survey, January 1991

Variable Details

LabelGross income
1 Less than £100 118
2 £1,000 to £1,999 210
3 £2,000 to £2,999 286
4 £3,000 to £3,999 222
5 £4,000 to £4,999 125
6 £5,000 to £5,999 122
7 £6,000 to £6,999 88
8 £7,000 to £7,999 104
9 £8,000 to £8,999 77
10 £9,000 to £9,999 85
11 £10,000 to £10,999 87
12 £11,000 to £11,999 57
13 £12,000 to £12,999 66
14 £13,000 to £13,999 42
15 £14,000 to £14,999 55
16 £15,000 to £17,499 80
17 £17,500 to £19,999 45
18 £20,000 to £24,999 68
19 £25,000 to £29,999 41
20 £30,000 or more 56
98 58
99 62
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationOPCS Omnibus Survey, January 1991