
UK Data Service variable record for:

Continuous Household Survey, 1985

Variable Details

Label2nd most important reason for poverty
-3 refused 0
-2 missing 26
-1 dont know 439
1 age and loneliness 351
2 Bad luck 325
3 chronic unemployment 1032
4 lack of education 894
5 deprived childhood 190
6 injustice in society 551
7 drinking 781
8 laziness 1126
9 too many children 441
10 accident of birth 108
11 high cost of transport 0
12 high cost of petrol 0
13 lack of foresight 12
14 lack of incentive 3
15 low income 9
16 bad Government 12
17 Other 70
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationContinuous Household Survey, 1985