
UK Data Service variable record for:

1970 British Cohort Study: Twenty-Six-Year Follow-up, 1996

Variable Details

LabelCASOC CURRENT JOB: Employment Status-input
0 409
1 SE, 25+ employees 0
2 SE, less than 25 emps. 34
3 SE, no employees 221
4 Manager, 25+ emps. 844
5 Manager, less than 25 emps. 246
6 Supervisor 221
7 Employee 5337
8 Trainee 0
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
Location1970 British Cohort Study: Twenty-Six-Year Follow-up, 1996
UniverseLocation of units of observation: National;Population: BCS70 cohort members who were able to be traced.
SamplingBCS70 cohort members for whom a current address was available. The BCS70 Twenty six-year Follow-up targeted all those who were members of the original BCS70 cohort sample. This included those who had been in the original birth survey, those who had been in all subsequent follow-ups, including immigrants and others traced for the first time though schools and health authorities.
Study TypeLongitudinal/panel/cohort