
UK Data Service variable record for:

1970 British Cohort Study: Twenty-Six-Year Follow-up, 1996

Variable Details

LabelCASOC CURRENT JOB: ISCO '88-Int Occ Classfn
0000 409
0110 109
1110 7
1120 21
1143 2
1210 3
122- 36
1222 49
1223 11
1224 35
1225 8
1226 18
1227 1
1229 69
1231 117
1232 32
1233 118
1234 18
1235 20
1236 39
131- 19
1311 18
1312 10
1313 22
1314 153
1315 42
1317 9
1318 18
1319 26
2--- 4
2112 1
2113 9
2114 5
2121 5
2122 1
2131 83
2132 56
2139 14
2141 12
2142 14
2143 14
2144 9
2145 43
2146 1
2147 2
2148 10
2149 45
2211 7
2212 5
2213 1
2221 43
2222 4
2223 1
2224 9
2310 25
2320 91
2331 82
2332 13
2340 3
2359 23
2411 57
2412 20
2419 25
2421 58
2429 3
2431 4
2432 2
2441 2
2443 2
2445 2
2446 38
2451 34
2452 29
2453 10
2455 11
2460 1
311- 26
3111 20
3112 19
3113 3
3114 10
3115 15
3118 22
3119 28
3121 4
3122 44
3131 16
3132 12
3133 11
3139 2
3142 3
3143 2
3144 3
3151 9
3152 2
3211 14
3222 4
3223 3
3224 8
3225 2
3226 8
3227 8
3228 4
3229 17
3231 140
3232 8
3320 1
3340 3
3411 16
3412 46
3413 13
3414 10
3415 41
3416 24
3417 18
3419 31
3422 4
3423 7
3429 27
3431 18
3432 73
3433 31
3434 1
3439 18
3441 4
3442 14
3443 9
3449 1
3450 3
3460 22
3471 29
3472 5
3473 5
3474 2
3475 23
3480 1
4111 4
4112 12
4113 6
4114 2
4115 164
4121 195
4122 12
4131 116
4132 37
4133 3
4141 22
4142 33
4143 3
4190 319
4211 44
4212 132
4213 13
4215 2
4221 17
4222 105
4223 8
5111 14
5112 1
5113 4
5121 3
5122 81
5123 102
5131 110
5132 157
5141 85
5149 2
5161 16
5162 93
5163 8
5169 6
5210 250
5230 2
6113 22
6121 9
6122 1
6129 11
6141 7
6153 4
7111 2
7112 1
7113 3
7122 28
7123 2
7124 51
7129 23
7131 12
7132 14
7133 11
7134 2
7135 9
7136 43
7137 33
7141 32
7143 3
7211 2
7212 148
7213 23
7214 7
7216 1
7221 4
7222 2
7223 20
7224 2
7231 83
7232 8
7233 99
7241 31
7242 47
7243 9
7244 5
7245 3
7311 13
7313 4
7321 1
7322 5
7324 3
7341 14
7342 1
7343 4
7344 3
7345 6
7411 13
7412 9
7414 1
7422 16
7423 1
7431 2
7433 5
7435 3
7436 8
7437 2
7441 2
7442 47
8113 1
8121 2
8122 3
8143 3
815- 1
8151 1
8155 1
8159 6
8211 13
8212 1
8221 1
8223 8
8224 4
8229 3
8231 3
8232 18
8240 8
8251 25
8253 1
8261 2
8262 8
8263 46
8264 9
8269 6
827- 20
8271 1
8273 1
8274 7
8275 2
8276 1
8278 4
8281 9
8282 26
8283 10
8284 78
8285 1
8286 1
8311 3
8312 1
8322 10
8323 17
8324 91
8331 3
8332 9
8333 6
8334 24
8340 3
9111 3
9113 19
9120 1
9131 10
9132 74
9141 7
9142 8
9151 15
9152 14
9211 22
9212 1
9311 2
9312 14
9313 28
9322 78
9333 12
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
Location1970 British Cohort Study: Twenty-Six-Year Follow-up, 1996
UniverseLocation of units of observation: National;Population: BCS70 cohort members who were able to be traced.
SamplingBCS70 cohort members for whom a current address was available. The BCS70 Twenty six-year Follow-up targeted all those who were members of the original BCS70 cohort sample. This included those who had been in the original birth survey, those who had been in all subsequent follow-ups, including immigrants and others traced for the first time though schools and health authorities.
Study TypeLongitudinal/panel/cohort