
UK Data Service variable record for:

British General Election Study, 1997; Cross Section Survey

Variable Details

LabelConservative party look after big business Q201d
Question text Some people say that certain parties look after certain groups and are not as concerned about others. How closely do you think the Conservative Party looks after the interests of... big business?
1 Very closely 2225
2 Fairly closely 607
3 Not very closely 72
4 Not at all closely 21
8 Don't know 7
9 Not answered 161
-1 No self-completion 522
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationBritish General Election Study, 1997; Cross Section Survey
Interviewer InstructionsPLEASE TICK ONE BOX ON EACH LINE
UniverseAdults aged 18+ living in Great Britain;National
SamplingMulti-stage stratified random sample
Study TypeCross-sectional (one-time) study