
UK Data Service variable record for:

British Election Panel Study, 1992-1997

Variable Details

LabelDo you belong to a religion?Which? Q916
0 No religion 1045
1 Christian-no denomination 132
2 Roman Catholic 387
3 CofE/Anglican/Episcopal 1179
4 CofS/Presbyterian 460
5 Methodist 109
6 Baptist 46
7 URC/Congregational 27
8 Free Presbyterian 3
9 Brethren 6
10 Oth.protestant 53
11 Oth.Christian 9
12 Jewish 11
13 Hindu 8
14 Islam/ Muslim 22
15 Sikh 16
16 Buddhist 2
17 Oth.non-Christian 6
97 Refused/unwilling 4
99 Not answered 9
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationBritish Election Panel Study, 1992-1997