
UK Data Service variable record for:

Quarterly Labour Force Survey Household Dataset, March - May, 1992

Variable Details

LabelType of household
1 1 person 16769
2 2 or more persons, all diff families 3523
3 couple, no chld, no others 34468
4 couple, no chld, others 1833
5 couple, all dep chld, no others 53481
6 couple, dep & non-dep chld, no others 10064
7 couple, all non-dep chld, no others 15916
8 couple, all dep chld, others 1780
9 couple, dep & non-dep chld, others 457
10 couple, all non-dep chld, others 823
11 lone par, all dep chld, no others 8497
12 lone par, dep & non-dep chdn, no others 1735
13 lone par, all non-dep chld, no others 5663
14 lone par, all dep children, others 845
15 lone par, dep & non-dep chdn, others 163
16 lone par, all non-dep children, others 533
17 2 or more families, all dep chld 1276
18 2 or more families, dep & non-dep chld 1028
19 2 or more families, all non-dep chld 187
20 2 or more families, no chld 207
-9 Does not apply 0
-8 No answer 0
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationQuarterly Labour Force Survey Household Dataset, March - May, 1992