
UK Data Service variable record for:

National Diet and Nutrition Survey : People Aged 65 Years and Over, 1994-1995

Variable Details

LabelWhat sorts of food?
1 alcohol 0
2 artificial sweeteners 0
3 biscuits,cakes&pastries 1
4 bread 3
5 bkfast c. high fibre 0
6 bkfast c, cornflakes 0
7 cheese 0
8 confectionery 8
9 cream 0
10 crisps.savoury snacks 0
11 drinks - normal 0
12 drinks - low cal 0
13 eggs 1
14 animal fats&oils 0
15 vegatable fats&oils 0
16 fats-low fat spreads 0
17 fish - white 0
18 oth fish. inc shellfish 0
19 fruit - fresh hard 64
20 fruit - fresh soft 0
21 fruit - dried 2
22 fruit-canned n syrup 0
23 fruit-canned n nat juice 0
24 fruit-vegetable juices 0
25 meat - beef 18
26 meat - lamb 0
27 meat - pork 1
28 meat - offal 1
29 meat-poultry inc rabbit 0
30 milk - whole 0
31 milk-skimmed, semi 0
32 nuts and seeds 13
33 pasta 0
34 potatoes 0
35 puddings-inc ice cream 0
36 rice 0
37 soups 0
38 sugar 0
39 tea and coffee 0
40 tea - fruit teas 0
41 vegetables - salad 5
42 vegetables-root.N potatoes 0
43 vegetables - leafy 0
44 vegetables - pulses 0
45 vegetables - other 0
46 water 0
47 yoghurt-fromage frais 0
48 convenience food 0
49 fatty foods 0
50 fried foods 1
51 low calorie foods 0
52 low fat foods 0
53 spicy foods 0
54 sweet foods 0
55 meat 22
56 red meat 1
57 white meat 0
58 fruit-not specified 1
59 vegetables-not specified 0
60 frozen foods 0
61 salty foods 0
62 garlic-evening primrose oil 0
63 pizza 0
64 acid foods 0
65 dairy produce 0
96 other 10
97 no other sorts 0
98 can t say 1
99 not answered 1
Sysmiss 1906
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationNational Diet and Nutrition Survey : People Aged 65 Years and Over, 1994-1995