
UK Data Service variable record for:

National Diet and Nutrition Survey : People Aged 65 Years and Over, 1994-1995

Variable Details

LabelRespondents standard occupational classification
100 gen admin.nat gov 1
101 gen manag.l comp&org 4
102 local gov officers 7
103 admin HEO-Sr Principal 4
110 prod wks&mainten managers 14
111 manag building&contracting 5
112 clerks of works 4
113 ms mining&energy ind 3
120 treasurers&fin managers 2
121 marketing&sales managers 7
122 purchasing managers 1
123 advert&public rel managers 1
124 per train&ind rel managers 4
125 org&methods work study managers 0
126 comp systems & dp managers 1
127 company secretaries 5
130 credit controllers 0
131 soc&PO managers 5
132 civ Serv exe officers 3
139 oth fin inst&off managers 14
140 transport managers 8
141 stores controllers 3
142 managers in warehousing 5
150 offs in UK armed forces 3
151 offs in f&C armed forces 1
152 police officers 1
153 fire service officers 0
154 prison officers 0
155 customs & excise 0
160 farm owners&managers 19
169 oth m in 0
170 property&estate managers 1
171 garage managers&proprietors 3
172 hairdressers.barbers m&p 6
173 hotel&accomm managers 5
174 restaurant&catering managers 6
175 publicans& club stewards 8
176 entertain&sports managers 0
177 travel agency managers 1
178 m&prop butchs&fishms 5
179 m&prop ser ind 58
190 off of trade ass.TU s 0
191 reg & admin of ed estab 0
199 oth managers&administrators 12
200 chemists 2
201 bio scient&biochemists 2
202 phy.geo.&meteorologists 0
209 other natural scientists 1
210 civil.structural engineers 1
211 mechanical engineers 3
212 electrical engineers 1
213 electronic engineers 1
214 software engineers 1
215 chemical engineers 0
216 des&dev engineers 2
217 pro&prod engineers 0
218 plan&qual con engineers 4
219 oth engineers&technologists 0
220 medical practitioners 7
221 pharmacists-pharmacologists 4
222 ophthalmic opticians 1
223 dental practitioners 1
224 veterinarians 0
230 uni&poly teaching prof 6
231 h&f ed teaching prof 4
232 ed off-school inspect 0
233 sec&mid school t prof 29
234 primary teaching prof 23
235 spe ed teaching prof 6
239 oth teaching prof 1
240 judges&off of the court 1
241 barristers&advocates 0
242 solicitors 1
250 chart&cert accountants 9
251 management accountants 0
252 actuaries ec & stats 0
253 m consult bus analysts 0
260 architects 1
261 town planners 0
262 practice surveyors 1
270 librarians 1
271 archivists&curators 0
290 psychologists 1
291 oth soc&behav scientists 0
292 clergy 5
293 social workers 4
300 laboratory techs 2
301 engineering techs 3
302 elec technicians 2
303 arch&town plan techs 0
304 build&civil eng techs 0
309 oth scientific techs 1
310 draughts persons 7
311 building inspectors 0
312 quantity surveyors 1
313 marine.insur&oth surys 0
320 computer analyst.prog 0
330 air traffic plan&cont 0
331 aircraft flight dk off 1
332 ship&hovercraft officer 0
340 nurses 35
341 midwives 1
342 medical radiographers 0
343 physiotherapists 0
344 chiropodists 1
345 dispensing opticians 0
346 med tech dental aux 1
347 occ & speech therapists 2
348 environ health officers 2
349 oth health professionals 0
350 legal service 1
360 estimators.valuers 2
361 underwriters.brokers 2
362 taxation experts 0
363 personnel&ind rel officers 2
364 organisation&work study officers 1
370 matrons.houseparents 1
371 welfare.youth workers 3
380 authors.writers.journalists 4
381 artists.graphic designers 2
382 industrial designers 1
383 clothing designers 0
384 actors.entertainers 1
385 musicians 2
386 photographers.sound & video operators 1
387 professional athletes 1
390 information officers 1
391 vocational&ind trainers 3
392 careers advisers 0
393 driving instructors 4
394 inspectors of factories 0
395 other inspectors 0
396 occup health & safety 1
399 oth prof & technical 0
400 civ ser admin off&ass 22
401 loc gov cle off&ass 8
410 acc&wages clerks 39
411 counter clerks&cashiers 9
412 debt. cash collectors 2
420 filing.oth records clerks 18
421 library ass-clerks 1
430 clerks 49
440 stores. control clerks 2
441 storekeepers&warehouse 24
450 medical secretaries 2
451 legal secretaries 0
452 typists&word p operators 14
459 other secretaries 32
460 receptionists 9
461 receptionist-telephonists 2
462 telephone operators 5
463 radio&telegraph operators 0
490 computer.dp operators 3
491 tracers,drawing off ass 0
500 bricklayers, masons 14
501 roofers, slaters 1
502 plasterers 2
503 glaziers 0
504 builders, b contractors 8
505 scaffolders, stagers 2
506 floorers, carpet fitters 2
507 painters & decorators 13
509 other construction trades 4
510 lathe setters&setter-ops 4
511 boring & drilling ops 0
512 grinding machine ops 2
513 milling machine ops 1
514 press setters ops 0
515 tool makers 7
516 metal working 34
517 precision instrument 3
518 goldsmiths, silversmiths 0
519 other machine operators 2
520 production fitters 2
521 electricians.electrical 18
522 electrical engineer 0
523 telephone fitters 5
524 cable jointers 2
525 radio.TV&video engineers 1
526 computer engineers 0
529 other electrical 5
530 smiths&forge workers 0
531 moulders.core makers 5
532 plumbers.heating 10
533 sheet metal workers 4
534 metal plate workers 5
535 steel erectors 3
536 barbenders, steel fixers 1
537 welding trades 11
540 motor mechanics 9
541 coach&vehicle builders 0
542 vehicle body repairers 1
543 auto electricians 0
544 tyre&exhaust fitters 0
550 weavers 8
551 knitters 2
552 warp preparers 1
553 sewing machinists 24
554 coach trimmers 1
555 shoe repairers 20
556 tailors&dressmakers 17
557 clothing cutters 3
559 other textiles 6
560 originators.print preparers 2
561 printers 1
562 bookbinders 2
563 screen printers 0
569 other printing 1
570 carpenters&joiners 18
571 cabinet makers 2
572 case&box makers 0
573 pattern makers 2
579 oth woodworking trades 1
580 bakers.flour confectioners 4
581 butchers.meat cutters 1
582 fishmongers.poultry dressers 0
590 glass prod&ceramics makers 2
591 glass prod&ceramics decorators 2
592 dental technicians 1
593 musical instrument maker 0
594 gardeners 5
595 horticultural trades 5
596 coach painters 2
597 face coal mining workers 20
598 othmachinery mechanics 0
599 oth craft & related occ 2
600 NCOs & UK armed forces 5
601 NCOs & f&C armed forces 1
610 jr police officers 5
611 jr fire service officers 4
612 jr prison service officers 1
613 jr customs & excise officers 0
614 traffic wardens 0
615 security guards 8
619 other security 1
620 chefs, cooks 26
621 waiters, waitresses 21
622 bar staff 7
630 travel & flight attendants 1
631 railway station staff 2
640 assistant nurses 6
641 hospital ward assistants 4
642 ambulance staff 1
643 dental nurses 1
644 care assistants&attendants 6
650 nursery nurses 2
651 playgroup leaders 0
652 educational assistants 1
659 other childcare 14
660 hairdressers, barbers 1
661 beauticians 0
670 domestic housekeepers 7
671 housekeepers(non domestic) 0
672 caretakers 11
673 launderers, dry cleaners 10
690 undertakers 1
691 bookmakers 1
699 other personal service 6
700 buyers 4
701 buyers&purchasing officers 3
702 importers & exporters 0
703 air.commodity&ship brokers 0
710 technical&wholesale sales 13
719 oth sales representatives 8
720 sales assistants 83
721 retail cash desk 1
722 petrol pump attendants 1
730 collector salespersons 2
731 salespersons 4
732 market&street traders 2
733 scrap dealers 1
790 merchandisers 0
791 window dressers 4
792 telephone salespersons 0
800 bakery & confectionery 2
801 brewery & vinery 1
802 tobacco process operatives 1
809 oth food.drink&tobacco 7
810 tannery operatives 0
811 preparatory fibre processors 4
812 spinners, doublers, twisters 3
813 winders, reelers 2
814 other textiles processing 6
820 chemical,gas&petroleum ops 1
821 paper,wood&related ops 0
822 cutting&slitting ops 0
823 glass&ceramics ops 0
824 rubber process ops 2
825 plastics process ops 2
826 synthetic fibre makers 0
829 oth chemicals.paper.plastics 0
830 furnace ops (metal) 3
831 metal drawers 1
832 rollers 0
833 annealers, hardeners 0
834 electroplaters 1
839 oth metal making&treating 2
840 machine tool operatives 12
841 press stamping 6
842 metal polishers 0
843 metal dressing operatives 0
844 shot blasters 0
850 assems-linewks elec goods 3
851 assems-linewk vehicles 2
859 oth assems-linewks 3
860 insp metal&electrical goods 9
861 insp other manufactured goods 13
862 packers.bottlers.canners 21
863 weighers.graders.sorters 3
864 routine laboratory testers 2
869 other routine process 2
870 bus inspectors 2
871 road transport insp 0
872 drivers goods vehicles 32
873 bus & coach drivers 7
874 taxi,cabdrivers&chauffeurs 5
875 bus conductors 5
880 seafarers 5
881 rail transport insp 1
882 rail engine drivers 5
883 rail signal operatives 1
884 shunters&points ops 2
885 mechanical plant drivers&ops 1
886 crane drivers 11
887 fork lift truck drivers 3
889 oth transport&machinery 3
890 washers, screeners 2
891 printing machine 5
892 water&sewerage plant 1
893 electrical, energy 5
894 oilers, greasers, lubricators 3
895 mains & service pipe layers 1
896 construction & related ops 2
897 woodworking machine ops 0
898 mine(exc coal)& quarry workers 1
899 other plant & machine 4
900 farm workers 28
901 agr mach drivers & ops 8
902 all oth occ in farming 4
903 fishing&related workers 1
904 forestry workers 1
910 coal mine labourers 6
911 labourers in foundries 1
912 labs in eng&allied trades 3
913 mates to metal-electrical 4
919 oth labourers in ind 12
920 mates to woodworking 1
921 mates to building 3
922 rail constructio 1
923 road construction 6
924 paviors, kerb layers 1
929 oth build-civil eng labs 12
930 stevedores, dockers 6
931 goods porters 3
932 slingers 1
933 refuse & salvage cols 1
934 drivers mates 0
940 postal workers 12
941 messengers, couriers 2
950 hospital porters 1
951 hotel porters 0
952 kitchen porters 10
953 catering assistants 12
954 shelf fillers 1
955 lift & car park attendants 1
956 window cleaners 0
957 road sweepers 3
958 cleaners, domestics 114
959 oth occ sales&services 2
990 all oth labour workers 8
997 refused 7
998 can t say 4
999 miscellaneous occupations 3
Sysmiss 253
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationNational Diet and Nutrition Survey : People Aged 65 Years and Over, 1994-1995