
UK Data Service variable record for:

Northern Ireland Family Expenditure Survey, 1996-1997

Variable Details

LabelDiary expenditure item code
10101 Rent 0
10102 Mortgage instalment payment 18
10103 Mortgage endowment policy 2
10104 Mortgage protection policy 1
10105 Council tax (GB), rates (NI) 0
10106 Water rates 0
10107 Service charges 3
10108 Structural insurance 10
10109 Contents insurance 11
10110 Ground rent 5
10201 Outright purchase of/deposit o 0
10202 Caravan and mobile home purcha 0
10301 Central heating installation 2
10302 Central heating maintenance 3
10303 Capital improvements 4
10304 Repairs, decorations, replacem 18
10401 Central heating installation 1
10402 Double glazing, kitchen units, 2
10501 Doors, baths, electrical and o 45
10502 Tools 47
10503 Paint, wallpaper, timber 66
10504 Maintenance: equipment hire, s 77
10601 Purchase of second dwelling 0
10602 Second dwelling: rent 0
10603 Second dwelling:,water,m 0
10604 Second dwelling: electricity a 0
10605 Second dwelling: gas account p 0
10606 Second dwelling: telephone acc 0
10607 Second dwelling: TV licences 0
20101 Gas account payment 1
20102 Gas board budgeting payment 0
20103 Gas slot meter payment 0
20201 Electricity account payment 95
20202 Electricity board budgeting pa 15
20203 Electricity slot meter payment 153
20301 Coal and coke 334
20302 Central heating oil 27
20303 Calor gas,paraffin,wood 61
20304 Bottled gas 11
30101 Bread 1288
30102 Biscuits 889
30103 Cakes, pastries, fruit pies an 789
30104 Pastry, mixes for cakes, puddi 56
30105 Breakfast cereals 545
30106 Flour, rice and other cereals 212
30107 Pasta - dried or fresh 192
30108 Pasta - cooked (not ready meal 118
30201 Fresh milk 1193
30202 Other milk and cream 193
30203 Yoghurt and milk based dessert 570
30204 Cheese 651
30301 Eggs 502
30401 Butter 485
30402 Margarine 427
30403 Cooking oils and fats 212
30501 Beef and veal (uncooked) 532
30502 Lamb (uncooked) 137
30503 Pork (uncooked) 303
30504 Ham and bacon (uncooked) 586
30505 Sausages (uncooked) 473
30506 Poultry (uncooked) 563
30507 Offal and other uncooked meat 37
30508 Tinned and bottled meat and me 106
30509 Cold, ready-to-eat meats and m 759
30510 Meat and poultry pies and past 293
30511 Meat dishes ready prepared 184
30512 Other meat uncooked, n.o.s. 140
30601 Fish (uncooked) and shellfish 303
30602 Processed fish (smoked,dried,c 223
30603 Fish (prepared) and fish produ 143
30604 Fish dishes ready prepared 44
30701 Potatoes (raw) 691
30702 Processed potatoes and product 302
30703 Fresh vegetables and salad 960
30704 Processed and frozen vegetable 547
30705 Pulses, dried and processed 431
30706 Vegetable dishes ready prepare 225
30801 Fresh fruit 932
30802 Processed fruit (excl. dried) 204
30803 Dried fruit and nuts 118
30901 Sugar 304
30902 Jams, jellies, preserves 347
30903 Sweets and chocolates 834
31001 Tea 368
31002 Coffee 218
31003 Food drinks 58
31004 Fruit juice,drinks and squash 582
31005 Carbonated drinks 736
31006 Mineral water (still and spark 134
31101 Ice cream and sorbets 346
31102 Crisps and savoury snacks 655
31103 Pickles, sauces, flavourings, 639
31104 Soup 385
31105 Savoury quiches, flans, pizzas 321
31106 Vegetable protein,vegetarian r 66
31107 Other convenience foods n.o.s. 162
31108 Diet foods, 0
31109 Baby foods (not milk) 53
31110 Payment for food - items not s 94
31111 Foods - other and undefined 0
31201 Hot take-away meals eaten at h 538
31202 Cold take-away meals eaten at 41
31301 Meals bought and eaten at work 482
31302 State school meals 120
31401 Hot food eaten on premises 762
31402 Cold food eaten on premises 368
31403 Hot food eaten off premises 310
31404 Cold food eaten off premises 117
31405 Confectionery eaten off the pr 12
31406 Ice cream eaten off the premis 5
31407 Soft drinks drunk off the prem 72
31501 Hot food 44
31502 Cold food 343
31503 Confectionery 555
31504 Ice cream 262
31505 Soft drinks 433
31601 School dinner (child) 14
31602 Hot meal/snack away from home 28
31603 Cold meal/snack away from home 9
40101 Beer and lager 231
40102 Cider 18
40103 Table wines (and wine n.o.s) 160
40104 Champagne and sparkling wines 9
40105 Fortified wines 22
40106 Spirits, liqueurs 106
40107 Alcoholic soft drinks 4
40108 4
40201 Beer and lager 387
40202 Cider 16
40203 Table wines (and wine n.o.s) 104
40204 Champagne and sparkling wines 6
40205 Fortified wines 5
40206 Spirits, liqueurs 184
40207 Alcohol at licensed premises, 6
40208 Alcohol at licensed premises, 40
50101 Cigarettes 643
50102 Pipe tobacco + tobacco n.o.s. 35
50103 Cigars 19
60101 Mens outerwear 146
60102 Womens outerwear 231
60103 Boys outerwear (aged 5-15) 63
60104 Girls outerwear (aged 5-15) 69
60105 Infants outerwear (under 5) 72
60201 Mens underwear 60
60202 Womens underwear 211
60203 Childrens and infants underw 116
60301 Mens accessories 26
60302 Womens accessories 43
60303 Childrens and infants access 26
60401 Mens footwear 49
60402 Womens footwear 92
60403 Childrens and infants footwe 99
60404 Footwear n.o.s. 0
60501 Haberdashery 51
60502 Clothing materials, charges, e 13
70101 Furniture, including beds and 24
70102 Soft floor coverings 21
70103 Hard floor coverings 3
70104 Bedding 30
70105 Curtains, cushions, towels 57
70201 Electric cookers; combined ele 1
70202 Electric washing machines, spi 2
70203 Electric refrigerators, freeze 1
70204 Dishwashers, microwaves. other 4
70205 Electrical tools 2
70206 Minor electrical equipment 20
70207 Gas cookers 0
70208 Other gas appliances 4
70209 Electric consumables 111
70210 Repairs to gas and electric ma 15
70211 Gas and electric appliances: s 4
70301 Kitchen utensils and equipment 140
70302 Kitchen disposables 332
70303 China, glass, pottery 63
70304 Fancy/decorative goods 105
70305 Other household hardware and a 116
70306 Matches 40
70401 Detergents, washing-up liquid, 494
70402 Disinfectants,polishes,other c 490
70501 Toilet paper 486
70601 Pet food 322
70602 Pet purchase, accessories, vet 41
70701 Garden equipment 7
70702 Garden tools and accessories 18
70703 Plants,flowers,seeds,fertilize 209
70801 Household goods, n.o.s. 4
80101 Domestic help 144
80102 Child care payments 42
80103 Nursery, creche, playschools 30
80104 Cleaning and dyeing 30
80105 Laundry, laundrette 10
80106 Repairs to footwear 8
80107 Repairs to personal goods 9
80201 Postage and poundage 366
80202 Telephone purchase 1
80203 Telephone account 157
80204 Telephone coin and other payme 30
80205 Mobile phone purchase 0
80206 Mobile phone account payments 4
80207 Answering machines, fax machin 1
80301 Trade union and professional o 0
80302 Subscriptions: leisure activit 1
80303 Subscriptions: sports and soci 25
80304 Other subscriptions 20
80401 Bank and post office counter c 0
80402 Bank service charges 2
80403 Stamp duty, certificates and l 15
80404 Conveyancing, estate agents, s 0
80405 Legal fees paid to banks 0
80406 Legal fees paid to solicitors 2
80407 Other professional fees inc. c 2
80408 Funeral expenses 0
80501 Contract catering 1
80502 Rental/hire of electrical/hous 30
90101 Toilet soap 188
90102 Toiletries (disposable) 608
90103 Toilet requisites (durable) 161
90104 Hair products 303
90105 Cosmetics and related accessor 306
90201 Jewellery, watches and other p 76
90202 Leather and travel goods 33
90301 Baby toiletries and accessorie 120
90302 Baby equipment (durable) 3
90401 NHS prescription charges and p 32
90402 Medicines and medical goods - 256
90403 NHS medical, dental and optica 20
90404 Private medical, dental and op 19
90501 Purchase:specs,lenses,prescrip 20
90502 Accessories/repairs to specs/l 15
90601 Hairdressing,beauty treatments 244
90701 Personal goods, n.o.s. 30
100101 New car or van outright purcha 1
100102 Second hand car outright purch 3
100103 Car leasing payments 0
100104 New/second hand motorcycle pur 1
100105 New car/van:loan or hp (h/hold 0
100106 Second hand car/van:loan/hp (h 0
100107 New/second hand motorcycle:loa 0
100201 Car or van repairs and servici 30
100202 Car or van spare parts 50
100203 Car or van accessories and fit 11
100204 Motor cycle repairs, service, 5
100205 Motor cycle accessories 3
100301 Petrol 777
100302 Diesel oil 146
100303 Other motor oils 22
100401 Vehicle insurance 11
100402 Vehicle tax 27
100403 AA and RAC subscriptions 1
100404 Driving lessons 19
100405 Anti-freeze,battery water,clea 26
100406 Parking fees, tolls and permit 234
100407 Garage rent, other costs (exc 52
100408 Motoring fines and penalties 2
110101 Purchase of boats, wheelchairs 0
110102 Accessories, repairs to non-mo 2
110103 Bicycle purchase 4
110104 Bicycle accessories, repairs, 14
110201 Railway and tube season ticket 5
110202 Railway + tube fares other tha 46
110203 Bus and coach season tickets 4
110204 Bus and coach fares other than 321
110205 Combined fare season tickets 0
110206 Combined fares other than seas 2
110207 Air fares (within UK) 8
110208 Air fares (international) 4
110209 Water travel 6
110210 School travel 16
110301 Taxis and hired cars with driv 216
110302 Hire of self-drive cars 1
110303 Other personal travel 46
120101 Television sets 2
120102 Satellite dish purchase 0
120103 Satellite dish installation 0
120104 Video recorders 3
120105 Audio equipment, CD players 10
120106 Personal computers, printers a 2
120107 Musical instruments 3
120108 Records,CDs,cassettes,discs, ( 82
120109 Accessories for audio equipmen 2
120110 Blank, pre-recorded video cass 153
120111 Repairs,insurance of TV, video 5
120112 Computer software and games ca 14
120113 Console computer games 1
120114 Spare parts for TV, video, aud 7
120201 Sports,camping and outdoor goo 44
120301 Newspapers 1242
120302 Magazines and periodicals 474
120303 Books 138
120304 Personal stationery 518
120401 Toys, hobbies, games 147
120402 Photographic/optical equipment 77
130101 Cinemas 63
130102 Live entertainment: theatre, c 43
130103 Admissions to clubs, dances, d 191
130104 Social events and gatherings 59
130105 Participant sports, excluding 209
130106 Spectator sports - admission c 49
130201 TV licences 73
130202 TV rental, slot meter payments 9
130203 TV/video/satellite rental hard 11
130204 Satellite TV subscription to c 2
130205 Cable TV connection 0
130206 Cable TV subscription 1
130301 Fees/maintenance: educational 18
130302 Fees/maintenance: non-househol 0
130303 Fees for leisure classes 66
130304 Ad hoc school expenditure 36
130401 Holidays in UK (accommodation) 25
130402 Holidays abroad (accommodation 11
130403 Timeshares/holiday homes overs 0
130404 Money spent abroad 32
130405 Duty free goods bought in UK 2
130406 Non-package travel ins./holida 6
130407 Commission travellers cheques/ 9
130501 Football pools stakes 31
130502 Bingo stakes, excluding admiss 38
130503 Lottery not National/Irish Lot 16
130504 Bookmaker, tote, other betting 124
130505 National Lottery weekly draw s 584
130506 Irish lottery stakes 72
130507 Nat lottery instants/scratchca 262
130508 Nat Lott SATURDAY draw stakes 164
130509 Nat Lott MIDWEEK draw stakes 64
130510 Nat Lott drw stkes- BOTH DRAWS 0
130601 Football pools winnings 0
130602 Bingo winnings 0
130603 Lottery (NOT Nat.Lott.) winnin 0
130604 Bookmaker, tote, other winning 0
130605 Nat lott winnings excl scratch 0
130606 Irish lottery winnings 0
130607 Nat. lott. scratchcard wins 0
130608 Nat Lott SATURDAY drw winnings 0
130609 Nat Lott MIDWEEK drw winnings 0
130610 Nat Lott drw wnngs- BOTH DRAWS 0
140101 Savings, investments (exc AVCS 53
140102 Private personal pension 1
140103 Additional Voluntary Contribut 1
140104 Money set aside for payment of 13
140105 Superannuation deduct. subsidi 0
140106 Widows | dependents | orphans 0
140201 Life, death, non-house endowme 64
140202 Private medical insurance 3
140203 Accident,sickness,redundancy,o 4
140301 Pocket money to children 235
140302 Cash gifts to those outside ho 177
140303 Charitable donations and subsc 603
140304 Money sent abroad 0
140305 Maintenance or separation allo 2
140306 Money to other spenders/other 108
140307 Residential care for blind,sic 2
140401 Credit\charge\store card accou 34
140402 Credit\charge\store card inter 0
140403 Credit card etc annual standin 0
140404 Loan instalment payment 51
140405 Hire purchase instalment payme 14
140406 Club instalment payment 91
140407 Pay off loan to clear other de 0
140501 Income tax payment 0
140502 National insurance contributio 0
140601 Household items and bills, n.o 1
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationNorthern Ireland Family Expenditure Survey, 1996-1997