
UK Data Service variable record for:

British Crime Survey, 1998

Variable Details

1 Refer HO 0
2 Duplicate 43
11 Serwounding 61
12 Othwounding 150
13 Common assault 616
19 Out scope assault 21
21 Att assault 30
31 Rape 16
32 Ser sex wounding 1
33 Oth sex wounding 6
34 Att rape 5
35 Indecent assault 18
39 Out scope sex 5
41 Robbery 77
42 Att robbery 54
43 Sntch theft pers 42
44 Other theft pers 158
45 Att theft pers 89
48 Dump robb 7
49 Outscope robb 7
50 Att oh burg 79
51 Burglary no loss 130
52 Burglary loss 435
53 Att burglary 542
54 Dump burglary 53
55 Theft dwell 91
56 Theft meter 0
57 Burg oh noloss 34
58 Burg oh loss 285
59 Out scope burg 26
60 Theft of veh 268
61 Theft from veh 1503
62 Theft of mbike 39
63 Theft from mbike 10
64 Bike theft 407
65 Theft os dwell 756
66 Theft milk 3
67 Oth pers theft 622
68 Dump theft 17
69 Out scope theft 118
71 Att theft veh 670
72 Att theft mbike 8
73 Oth att per thft 47
80 Arson 61
81 Vehvand<20 180
82 Vehvand20+ 836
83 Homevand<20 269
84 Homevand20+ 269
85 Othvand<20 28
86 Othvand20+ 36
87 Poss vandalism 283
88 Att vandalism 13
89 Out scope vand 36
91 Threat hurt 391
92 Sexual threat 5
93 Other threat 241
94 Threaten others 22
95 obscene calls 4
96 Invalidvf 66
97 Outscope threat 18
-7 219
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationBritish Crime Survey, 1998