
UK Data Service variable record for:

General Household Survey, 1998-1999

Variable Details

LabelTime from waking to smoking first cigarette
Question text How soon after waking do you usually smoke your first cigarette of the day?
-9 10528
-8 6
-6 5966
1 Less than 5 minutes 592
2 5-14 minutes 630
3 15-29 minutes 568
4 30 minutes but less than 1 hour 675
5 1 hour but less than 2 hours 508
6 2 hours or more 923
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationGeneral Household Survey, 1998-1999
Interviewer InstructionsPROMPT AS NECESSARY
UniversePrivate households in Great Britain;Households;National
SamplingSee documentation for details
Study TypeRepeated cross-sectional study