
UK Data Service variable record for:

ONS Omnibus Survey, March 1998

Variable Details

LabelPlease specify other reason
Frozen 1
Teach Suppn Sch better. 1
bankrupt 1
changed jobs 1
could not afford because of recession and now pension are bad investments 1
employer pulled out 1
frozen because of dispute with wife 1
left job 1
maternity leave not allowed to contribute 1
originally private pen taken over by employer 1
pension frozen as not working 1
policy frozen when left employment 1
problems with mis-selling - the charges were high/never got round to reviewingit 1
reduntant 1
stopped working 2
stopped working & not allowed to continue contributing. 1
this was a pension 1
waiting for matrimonial home to be sold,then will have a lump some of œ100,000, 1
wante to return to serps 1
went into fulltime education 1
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationONS Omnibus Survey, March 1998