
UK Data Service variable record for:

International Passenger Survey, 1998

Variable Details

100 United Kingdom 41579
150 Channel Islands 11
200 Iceland 55
210 Irish Republic 924
300 Gibraltar 3
310 Malta 80
320 Cyprus 67
500 Belgium 634
600 Luxembourg 25
700 France 2634
800 Germany 2723
990 EU country unknown 0
1000 Italy 1575
1100 Netherlands 1487
1200 Denmark 513
1600 Turkey 155
1700 Finland 215
1800 Norway 590
2000 Sweden 746
2100 Austria 300
2200 Greece 293
2300 Portugal 298
2390 Azores, Madeira 0
2500 Spain, Balearic Islands 812
2590 Canaries 0
2600 Switzerland 373
2700 Yugoslavia 40
2710 Bosnia Herzegovina 9
2720 Croatia 31
2730 Macedonia 5
2740 Montenegro 1
2750 Serbia 3
2760 Slovenia 28
2800 Andorra 1
2810 Faroe Islands 0
2820 Liechtenstein 1
2830 Monaco 0
2840 San Marino 0
3000 Bulgaria 36
3010 Romania 31
3020 Czechoslovakia 1
3030 The Czech State 75
3040 Slovakia 39
3050 Hungary 83
3060 Poland 205
3070 Albania 2
3090 Russia 127
3100 Armenia/Azerbaijan 5
3110 Azerbaijan 3
3120 Byelorussia 8
3130 Estonia 16
3140 Georgia 6
3150 Kazakh 15
3160 Kirghiz 0
3170 Latvia 29
3180 Lithuania 24
3190 Moldavia 0
3200 Tadzik 1
3210 Turkmenistan 1
3220 Ukraine 33
3230 Usbekistan 3
3500 Algeria 15
3510 Libya 15
3520 Morocco 31
3530 Sudan 25
3540 Tunisia 16
3550 Egypt 108
3560 Western Sahara 0
4000 Gambia 2
4010 Ghana 80
4020 Nigeria 123
4030 Sierra Leone 4
4040 Ascension Islands,St Helena,Tristan DaCunha 0
4100 Kenya 72
4110 Lesotho 2
4120 Malawi 7
4130 Mauritius 49
4140 Seychelles 10
4150 Tanzania 25
4160 Uganda 16
4170 Zambia 15
4180 Botswana 8
4190 Swaziland 0
4200 South Africa 505
4210 Namibia 8
4300 Zimbabwe 50
4500 Benin 0
4510 Gabon 0
4520 Guinea 0
4530 Guinea Bissau 0
4540 Ivory Coast 5
4550 Liberia 1
4560 Mali 0
4570 Mauritania 0
4580 Niger 0
4590 Senegal 2
4600 Togo 1
4610 Burkina Faso 0
4700 Angola 1
4710 Burundi 0
4720 Cameroon 6
4730 Central African Republic 0
4740 Chad 1
4750 Congo Brazzaville 2
4760 Zaire 6
4770 Ethiopia 11
4780 Madagascar 4
4790 Mozambique 1
4800 Rwanda 1
4810 Somalia 2
4820 Djibouti 1
4830 Antarctica etc (Foreign) 6
4840 Eritrea 4
4850 Maldives 2
5000 Australia 1184
5100 New Zealand 427
5200 Fiji 2
5300 Papua New Guinea 0
5310 French Polynesia 0
5320 Canton & Enderbury Islands 0
5330 New Caledonia 0
5400 Other Commonwealth Pacific Islands 5
5500 Bahrain 41
5510 Jordan 34
5520 Kuwait 134
5530 Oman 48
5540 Qatar 26
5550 United Arab Emirates 95
5560 South Yemen (redundant) 0
5700 Israel (including Palestine) 285
5720 Iran 91
5730 Iraq 14
5740 Lebanon 45
5750 Saudi Arabia 131
5760 Yemen 9
5770 Syria 20
6020 Bangladesh 48
6030 Brunei 11
6040 Sri Lanka 66
6050 Malaysia 258
6060 Singapore 127
6070 Hong Kong 156
6100 India 531
6200 Japan 1243
6500 Pakistan 241
6510 Afghanistan 5
6520 Bhutan 0
6530 Burma (Myanmar) 7
6540 Kampuchea 0
6550 Indonesia 30
6560 South Korea 133
6570 Laos 1
6580 Macao 0
6590 Nepal 13
6600 Philippines 56
6630 Taiwan 106
6640 Thailand 62
6650 Vietnam 3
6800 China 103
6810 North Korea 0
6820 Mongolia 0
7000 Bermuda 3
7010 Jamaica 61
7020 Trinidad & Tobago 35
7030 Antigua 5
7040 Bahamas 5
7050 Barbados 10
7060 British Virgin Islands 1
7070 Cayman Islands 0
7080 Dominica 4
7090 Grenada 3
7100 Montserrat 5
7110 Anguilla, St Kitts 4
7120 St Lucia 5
7130 St Vincent 1
7140 Turks/Caicos Islands 0
7320 Cuba 2
7330 Dominican Republic 4
7340 Guadeloupe 0
7350 Haiti 1
7360 Martinique 0
7370 Neth. Antilles 2
7500 Belize 0
7510 Guyana 9
7520 British Antarctic, Falklands 1
7600 Argentina 96
7610 Brazil 209
7620 Mexico 106
7630 Bolivia 5
7640 Chile 33
7650 Colombia 51
7660 Ecuador 7
7670 Paraguay 2
7680 Peru 9
7690 Uruguay 7
7700 Venezuela 35
7710 Costa Rica 8
7720 El Salvador 2
7730 Guatemala 5
7740 Honduras 0
7750 Nicaragua 1
7760 French Guinea 0
7770 Panama 2
7780 Surinam 1
8000 Canada 1228
8100 United States of America 5966
8200 Puerto Rico 2
8210 US Virgin Islands 0
8300 St Pierre et Miquelon 0
8310 Greenland 2
8500 Cruising 0
8888 Other foreign 0
9960 HK Special admin region of china passport 3
9970 Hong Kong (Green ct) 2
9980 Stateless 21
9990 Nationality not known 0
9999 Not known 23
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationInternational Passenger Survey, 1998