
UK Data Service variable record for:

Welsh Health Survey, 1998

Variable Details

LabelQ6a Which services, if any, not satisfied with?-2nd mention
Question text If you were not satisfied with any of the services we have asked you about in questions 1 to 5, please say what was wrong. (If you were satisfied or did not use these services, please go to question 7)
1 Family doctor (GP) 29
2 In-patients 34
3 Casualty/Accident & emergency 36
4 Out-patients 57
5 Optician 27
6 Dentist 108
7 Chiropodist 32
8 Health visitor 21
9 Home help 12
10 Social worker 41
11 Mental health worker 35
12 Midwife 7
13 Alternative medical worker 6
14 Speech or occupational therapist 17
15 Physiotherapist 34
16 Meals-on-wheels 6
-99.99 Missing value 29372
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationWelsh Health Survey, 1998
UniverseAdults aged 18 and over in Wales in May to June 1998;Adults;National
SamplingA variable sampling fraction was used, over-sampling in some geographical areas, to ensure an adequate sample size for each area. Results were weighted to take account of this. For further details please see Appendix 4 of the report.
Study TypeCross-sectional (one-time) study