
UK Data Service variable record for:

National Study of Health and Growth, Phase III : 1982-1994 (Years 11-23)

Variable Details

Labelcode of nurse examiner
025 7
026 5
134 164
161 137
162 130
164 201
166 74
167 209
16B 119
16D 129
16L 135
16P 103
16V 160
16W 175
16Z 149
181 100
182 1
183 1
184 3
185 2
187 4
18B 140
18E 253
18F 1
18H 247
18J 89
18N 236
18S 227
18U 129
18V 101
18W 117
18X 152
18Y 195
18Z 107
19F 71
19K 136
19Y 196
20C 77
20D 60
20E 1
20F 120
20N 111
20R 244
20S 235
20W 115
21E 46
22B 128
22D 1
22E 107
235 1
23H 1
23M 311
23N 137
23P 168
23Q 214
241 1
24C 162
24D 136
24J 164
24K 190
25 49
259 1
25F 225
25M 16
25N 44
25P 157
25Q 235
25R 227
25X 165
25Y 83
25Z 175
260 1
26A 140
26B 48
26C 231
26D 132
26E 74
26F 167
26G 127
26H 146
999 401
L25 10
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationNational Study of Health and Growth, Phase III : 1982-1994 (Years 11-23)