
UK Data Service variable record for:

Scottish Household Survey, 1999-2000

Variable Details

LabelRespondent has difficulty standing for 10 minutes
Question text Please look at this card and tell me which of these activities, if any, you would normally find difficult to manage on your own. Standing for at least 10 minutes.
0 No 4516
1 Yes 2972
2 No 0
Sysmiss 22739
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationScottish Household Survey, 1999-2000
Interviewer InstructionsSHOWCARD AF. Code all that apply.
UniverseHouseholds and individual adults within households in Scotland.;Scottish Adults;National
SamplingSimple random sample; Multi-stage stratified random sample;Random adult sample
Study TypeRepeated cross-sectional study.<br><br>SN 4351 includes data from the 1999 and 2000 surveys, as the SHS is conducted using a two-year cycle design. Please see documentation for further details. This study is the full version of the SHS 1999-2000, whereas SN 5030 contains the Lite dataset.