
UK Data Service variable record for:

British Crime Survey, 1982 : Scottish Data

Variable Details

LabelQ5 Nature and circumstance
11 Serious wounding 3
12 Other wounding 21
13 Common Assault 173
19 Assault outscope 0
21 Attempt assault 3
31 Rape 1
32 Serious sexwound 0
33 Other sexwound 1
34 Attempt rape 2
35 Indecent assault 6
39 Sexual outscope 0
41 Robbery 15
42 Attempt robbery 8
43 Snatch theft 7
44 Oth.pers theft 47
45 Attempt theft 16
48 Possible theft 8
49 Theft outscope 1
50 Att.burg gar. 0
51 Burglary dwell 0 25
52 Burglary dwell + 118
53 Attempt dwell 86
54 Poss att burgl. 15
55 Theft in dwell 19
56 Meter theft 0
57 Burglary gar. 0 5
58 Burglary gar. + 47
59 Burgl. outscope 7
60 Theft of car 92
61 Theft from car 438
62 Mbike 25
63 From mbike 14
64 Cycle 66
65 From outside 294
66 Milk 0
67 Other theft 201
68 Poss. theft 8
69 Theft outscope 7
71 Car attempt 31
72 Mbike attempt 4
73 Other attempt 3
80 Arson 11
81 Car dam. to #20 151
82 Car dam. over #20 47
83 Home dam to #20 98
84 Home dam over #20 26
85 Oth.dam. to #20 5
86 Oth.dam. over #20 2
87 Poss. nil dam. 27
88 Attempt nil dam 1
89 Damage outscope 9
91 Threat physical 91
92 Threat sexual 1
93 Threat other 11
94 Threat indirect 1
99 Threat outscope 0
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationBritish Crime Survey, 1982 : Scottish Data