
UK Data Service variable record for:

Smoking, Drinking and Drug Use among Young Teenagers, 1999

Variable Details

LabelWhich drug last used (multi)?
1 Cannabis (Marijuana, Dope, Pot, Blow, Ha 0
2 Amphetamines (Speed, Uppers, Whizz, Sulp 15
3 LSD (Acid, Tabs, Trips) 4
4 Ecstasy ( E , Dennis the Menace) 8
5 Semeron (Sem) 0
6 Poppers (Amyl Nitrates, Liquid Gold, Nit 16
7 Tranquillisers, not given to you by a do 1
8 Heroin (Morphine, Smack, Skag, H ) 1
9 Magic Mushrooms (Psilocybin) 8
10 Methadone, not given to you by a doctor 0
11 Crack (Rock, Sand, Stone, Pebbles) 0
12 Cocaine (Coke, Charlie) 9
13 Anabolic Steroids 0
14 Glue or solvents 11
15 Gas (Butane, lighter refills) 14
16 Other drugs, not given to you by a docto 1
-9 9328
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationSmoking, Drinking and Drug Use among Young Teenagers, 1999