
UK Data Service variable record for:

Families and Children Study: Waves 1-10, 1999-2008

Variable Details

LabelWhich qualifications were you aiming towards on that course?
1 GCSE or SCE 48
2 GCE A -level or AS level or Scottish National Qualification 24
3 Level 1 NVQ or SVQ, Foundation GNVQ or GSVQ 53
4 Level 2 NVQ or SVQ, Intermediate GNVQ or GSVQ 158
5 Level 3 NVQ or SVQ, Advanced GNVQ or VCE or GSVQ 112
6 Level 4 NVQ or SVQ 24
7 Level 5 NVQ or SVQ 4
8 NVQ, SVQ or GNVQ - not sure what level 33
9 City & Guilds Part 1, RSA Certificate 39
10 BTEC/Edexcel First or General Certificate, BEC or TEC Genera 56
11 BTEC/Edexcel National Certificate or Diploma, City&Guilds Pa 37
12 BEC Higher, TEC Higher, BTEC Higher, City & Guilds Part 4, H 29
13 First degree, e.g. BSc, BA, BEd, MA at first degree level 115
14 Higher degree, e.g. MSc, MA, MBA, PGCE, PhD 66
15 Teaching qualfication (not including PGCE) 39
16 Nursing qualfication 55
17 Trade apprenticeship 3
19 City and Guilds/RSA - not sure what level 5
20 Other specific answer, not codeable to 1-19 294
97 Other vague answer, not codeable to 1-20 1
98 Refusal 0
99 Don't Know 13
Sysmiss 6252
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationFamilies and Children Study: Waves 1-10, 1999-2008