
UK Data Service variable record for:

British Crime Survey, 2000

Variable Details

LabelCrimTyp2: CrimType Start of VF Block 2
1 MotTheft 483
2 MotStole 1708
3 CarDamag 2905
4 BikTheft 507
5 PrevThef 107
6 PrevDam 21
7 PrevTry 87
8 PrevStol 22
9 PrOSide 133
10 PrDeface 122
11 HomeThef 60
12 YrHoThef 467
13 YrHoDam 55
14 YrHoTry 634
15 YrHoStol 153
16 YrOSide 1353
17 YrDeface 1317
18 PersThef 636
19 TryPers 293
20 OthThef 810
21 DelibDam 307
22 DelibVio 1042
23 ThreViol 1559
24 SexAttak 114
25 HhldViol' 112
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationBritish Crime Survey, 2000