0 |
Unspecified personal care |
0 |
10 |
Unspecified Sleep |
0 |
110 |
Sleep |
3464 |
120 |
Sick in bed |
34 |
210 |
Eating |
1139 |
300 |
Unspecified other personal care |
4 |
310 |
Wash and dress |
885 |
390 |
Other specified personal care |
22 |
1000 |
Unspecified employment |
0 |
1110 |
Working time in main job |
585 |
1120 |
Coffee and other breaks in main job |
6 |
1210 |
Working time in second job |
17 |
1220 |
Coffee and other breaks in second job |
0 |
1300 |
Unspecified activities related to employment |
0 |
1310 |
Lunch break |
0 |
1390 |
Other specified activities related to employment |
0 |
1391 |
Activities related to job seeking |
0 |
1399 |
Other specified activities related to employment |
3 |
2000 |
Unspecified study |
0 |
2100 |
Unspecified activities related to school or university |
0 |
2110 |
Classes and lectures |
3 |
2120 |
Homework |
103 |
2190 |
Other specified activities related to school or university |
0 |
2210 |
Free Time Study |
37 |
3000 |
Unspecified household and family care |
2 |
3100 |
Unspecified food management |
0 |
3110 |
Food preparation |
327 |
3120 |
Baking |
0 |
3130 |
Dish washing |
107 |
3140 |
Preserving |
0 |
3190 |
Other specified food management |
0 |
3200 |
Unspecified household upkeep |
0 |
3210 |
Cleaning dwelling |
108 |
3220 |
Cleaning yard |
2 |
3230 |
Heating and water |
3 |
3240 |
Various arrangements |
93 |
3250 |
Disposal of Waste |
0 |
3290 |
Other specified household upkeep |
39 |
3300 |
Unspecified making and care for textiles |
0 |
3310 |
Laundry |
31 |
3320 |
Ironing |
100 |
3330 |
Handicraft and producing textiles |
76 |
3390 |
Other specified making and care for textiles |
2 |
3400 |
Unspecified gardening and pet care |
0 |
3410 |
Gardening |
11 |
3420 |
Tending domestic animals |
3 |
3430 |
Caring for pets |
38 |
3440 |
Walking the dog |
47 |
3490 |
Other specified gardening and pet care |
1 |
3500 |
Unspecified construction and repairs |
0 |
3510 |
House construction and renovation |
3 |
3520 |
Repairs of dwelling |
22 |
3530 |
Unspecified making, repairing and maintaining equipment |
0 |
3531 |
Woodcraft, metal craft, sculpture and pottery |
1 |
3539 |
Other specified making, repairing and maintaining equipment |
7 |
3540 |
Vehicle maintenance |
9 |
3590 |
Other specified construction and repairs |
0 |
3600 |
Unspecified shopping and services |
0 |
3610 |
Unspecified shopping |
14 |
3611 |
Shopping mainly for food |
20 |
3612 |
Shopping mainly for clothing |
2 |
3613 |
Shopping mainly related to accommodation |
1 |
3614 |
Shopping or browsing at car boot sales or antique fairs |
1 |
3615 |
Window shopping or other shopping as leisure |
0 |
3619 |
Other specified shopping |
1 |
3620 |
Commercial and administrative services |
3 |
3630 |
Personal services |
7 |
3690 |
Other specified shopping and services |
0 |
3710 |
Household management not using the internet |
38 |
3720 |
Unspecified household management using the internet |
0 |
3721 |
Shping for&ordring unspec gds&srvs via internet |
1 |
3722 |
Shping for&ordring food via the internet |
0 |
3723 |
Shping for&ordring clothing via the internet |
0 |
3724 |
Shping for&ordring gds&srv related to acc via internet |
0 |
3725 |
Shping for&ordring mass media via the internet |
1 |
3726 |
Shping for&ordring entertainment via the internet |
0 |
3727 |
Banking and bill paying via the internet |
1 |
3729 |
Other specified household management using the internet |
0 |
3800 |
Unspecified childcare |
2 |
3810 |
Unspecified physical care & supervision of a child |
7 |
3811 |
Feeding the child |
26 |
3819 |
Other specified physical care & supervision of a child |
123 |
3820 |
Teaching the child |
7 |
3830 |
Reading, playing and talking with child |
41 |
3840 |
Accompanying child |
1 |
3890 |
Other specified childcare |
1 |
3910 |
Unspecified help to an adult household member |
2 |
3911 |
Physical care & supervision of an adult household member |
7 |
3914 |
Accompanying an adult household member |
2 |
3919 |
Other specified help to an adult household member |
9 |
4000 |
Unspecified volunteer work and meetings |
0 |
4100 |
Unspecified organisational work |
0 |
4110 |
Work for an organisation |
14 |
4120 |
Volunteer work through an organisation |
17 |
4190 |
Other specified organisational work |
0 |
4200 |
Unspecified informal help |
0 |
4210 |
Food management as help |
3 |
4220 |
Household upkeep as help |
6 |
4230 |
Gardening and pet care as help |
1 |
4240 |
Construction and repairs as help |
2 |
4250 |
Shopping and services as help |
0 |
4260 |
Help in employment and farming |
2 |
4270 |
Unspecified childcare as help |
11 |
4271 |
Physical care and supervision of a child as help |
31 |
4272 |
Teaching the child as help |
0 |
4273 |
Reading, playing & talking to the child as help |
5 |
4274 |
Accompanying the child as help |
0 |
4279 |
Other specified childcare as help |
5 |
4280 |
Unspecified help to an adult member of another household |
0 |
4281 |
Physical care and supervision of an adult as help |
3 |
4284 |
Accompanying an adult as help |
0 |
4289 |
Other specified help to an adult member of another household |
2 |
4290 |
Other specified informal help |
1 |
4300 |
Unspecified participatory activities |
0 |
4310 |
Meetings |
22 |
4320 |
Religious activities |
30 |
4390 |
Other specified participatory activities |
1 |
5000 |
Unspecified social life and entertainment |
1 |
5100 |
Unspecified social life |
1 |
5110 |
Socialising with household members |
170 |
5120 |
Visiting and receiving visitors |
542 |
5130 |
Feasts |
99 |
5140 |
Telephone conversation |
149 |
5190 |
Other specified social life |
1003 |
5200 |
Unspecified entertainment and culture |
1 |
5210 |
Cinema |
66 |
5220 |
Unspecified theatre or concerts |
35 |
5221 |
Plays, musicals or pantomimes |
12 |
5222 |
Opera, operetta or light opera |
1 |
5223 |
Concerts or other performances of classical music |
3 |
5224 |
Live music other than classical concerts, opera and musicals |
15 |
5225 |
Dance performances |
0 |
5229 |
Other specified theatre or concerts |
8 |
5230 |
Art exhibitions and museums |
0 |
5240 |
Unspecified library |
1 |
5241 |
Brwing bks rcds audio video,CDs,VDs from library |
0 |
5242 |
Reference to bks and other library materials within library |
0 |
5243 |
Using internet in the library |
0 |
5244 |
Using computers in the library other than internet use |
0 |
5245 |
Reading newspapers in a library |
0 |
5246 |
Listening to music in a library |
0 |
5249 |
Other specified library activities |
1 |
5250 |
Sports events |
13 |
5290 |
Other specified entertainment and culture |
0 |
5291 |
Visiting a historical site |
0 |
5292 |
Visiting a wildlife site |
0 |
5293 |
Visiting a botanical site |
0 |
5294 |
Visiting a leisure park |
5 |
5295 |
Visiting an urban park, playground or designated play area |
1 |
5299 |
Other specified entertainment or culture |
11 |
5310 |
Resting – Time out |
597 |
6000 |
Unspecified sports and outdoor activities |
0 |
6100 |
Unspecified physical exercise |
0 |
6110 |
Walking and hiking |
0 |
6111 |
Taking a walk or hike that lasts at least 2 miles or 1 hour |
9 |
6119 |
Other walk or hike |
4 |
6120 |
Jogging and running |
2 |
6130 |
Biking, skiing and skating |
0 |
6131 |
Biking |
3 |
6132 |
Skiing or skating |
3 |
6140 |
Unspecified ball games |
0 |
6141 |
Indoor pairs or doubles games |
27 |
6142 |
Indoor team games |
2 |
6143 |
Outdoor pairs or doubles games |
3 |
6144 |
Outdoor team games |
12 |
6149 |
Other specified ball games |
1 |
6150 |
Gymnastics |
5 |
6160 |
Fitness |
8 |
6170 |
Unspecified water sports |
0 |
6171 |
Swimming |
5 |
6179 |
Other specified water sports |
0 |
6190 |
Other specified physical exercise |
30 |
6200 |
Unspecified productive exercise |
0 |
6210 |
Hunting and fishing |
4 |
6220 |
Picking berries, mushroom and herbs |
0 |
6290 |
Other specified productive exercise |
0 |
6310 |
Unspecified sports related activities |
0 |
6311 |
Activities related to sports |
1 |
6312 |
Activities related to productive exercise |
0 |
7000 |
Unspecified hobbies and games |
0 |
7100 |
Unspecified arts |
0 |
7110 |
Unspecified visual arts |
0 |
7111 |
Painting, drawing or other graphic arts |
7 |
7112 |
Making videos, taking photos or related activities |
2 |
7119 |
Other specified visual arts |
0 |
7120 |
Unspecified performing arts |
0 |
7121 |
Singing or other musical activities |
29 |
7129 |
Other specified performing arts |
4 |
7130 |
Literary arts |
3 |
7190 |
Other specified arts |
0 |
7200 |
Unspecified hobbies |
0 |
7210 |
Collecting |
1 |
7220 |
Computing – programming |
7 |
7230 |
Unspecified information by computing |
4 |
7231 |
Information searching on the internet |
22 |
7239 |
Other specified information by computing |
0 |
7240 |
Unspecified communication by computer |
0 |
7241 |
Communication on the internet |
23 |
7249 |
Other specified communication by computing |
3 |
7250 |
Unspecified other computing |
83 |
7251 |
Unspecified internet use |
42 |
7259 |
Other specified computing |
37 |
7260 |
Correspondence |
26 |
7290 |
Other specified hobbies |
12 |
7300 |
Unspecified games |
11 |
7310 |
Solo games and play |
42 |
7320 |
Unspecified games and play with others |
42 |
7321 |
Billiards, pool, snooker or petanque |
30 |
7322 |
Chess and bridge |
8 |
7329 |
Other specified parlour games and play |
139 |
7330 |
Computer games |
128 |
7340 |
Gambling |
44 |
7390 |
Other specified games |
4 |
8000 |
Unspecified mass media |
0 |
8100 |
Unspecified reading |
200 |
8110 |
Reading periodicals |
146 |
8120 |
Reading books |
247 |
8190 |
Other specified reading |
9 |
8210 |
Unspecified TV watching |
6894 |
8211 |
Watching a film on TV |
192 |
8212 |
Watching sport on TV |
76 |
8219 |
Other specified TV watching |
158 |
8220 |
Unspecified video watching |
252 |
8221 |
Watching a film on video |
36 |
8222 |
Watching sport on video |
1 |
8229 |
Other specified video watching |
15 |
8300 |
Unspecified listening to radio and music |
74 |
8310 |
Unspecified radio listening |
53 |
8311 |
Listening to music on the radio |
0 |
8312 |
Listening to sport on the radio |
0 |
8319 |
Other specified radio listening |
6 |
8320 |
Listening to recordings |
44 |
9000 |
Travel related to unspecified time use |
19 |
9010 |
Travel related to personal business |
2 |
9110 |
Travel in the course of work |
0 |
9130 |
Travel to work from home and back only |
51 |
9140 |
Travel to work from a place other than home |
4 |
9210 |
Travel related to education |
6 |
9230 |
Travel escorting to/ from education |
0 |
9310 |
Travel related to household care |
2 |
9360 |
Travel related to shopping |
38 |
9370 |
Travel related to services |
2 |
9380 |
Travel escorting a child (other than education) |
14 |
9390 |
Travel escorting an adult (other than education) |
13 |
9410 |
Travel related to organisational work |
4 |
9420 |
Travel related to informal help to other households |
29 |
9430 |
Travel related to religious activities |
7 |
9440 |
Travel rlt to participatory actv except rel actv |
9 |
9500 |
Travel to visit friends/ relatives in their homes |
200 |
9510 |
Travel related to other social activities |
172 |
9520 |
Travel related to entertainment and culture |
39 |
9610 |
Travel related to physical exercise |
34 |
9620 |
Travel related to hunting & fishing |
3 |
9630 |
Travel related to productive excs expt hunting & fishing |
0 |
9710 |
Travel related to gambling |
13 |
9720 |
Travel related to hobbies other than gambling |
9 |
9810 |
Travel to holiday base |
16 |
9820 |
Travel for day trip/ just walk |
27 |
9890 |
Other specified travel |
5 |
9940 |
Punctuating activity |
33 |
9950 |
Filling in the time use diary |
67 |
9960 |
No main activity, no idea what it might be |
249 |
9970 |
No main activity, some idea what it might be |
84 |
9980 |
Illegible activity |
3 |
9990 |
Unspecified time use |
9 |