
UK Data Service variable record for:

Scottish Crime Survey, 2000

Variable Details

LabelDid you get help from any organisations? 3
0 Other (specify) 0
1 Family/friends/relatives/neighbours 0
2 Police (other than related to investigation) 0
3 Vicim support scheme 10
4 Doctor/hospital/psychiatrist/psychologist 6
5 Housing department 6
6 Social work services 0
7 School/education department 0
8 Citizens advice bureaux 2
9 Neighbourhood watch 1
10 Trade union/proffessional body 1
11 Employer 2
12 Rape crisis centre 0
13 Woman's aid 0
14 No, none 0
15 Community policeman/woman 1
16 Cleansing department 0
17 Perpetrator's relatives' 0
18 Private security firm 0
Sysmiss 1445
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationScottish Crime Survey, 2000