
UK Data Service variable record for:

Youth Cohort Study of England and Wales, 2000-2002

Variable Details

LabelS2MAY00 What were you doing in May 2000 ?
1 Out of work or unemployed 247
2 Modern Apprenticeship, National Traineeship or other governm 542
3 In a full time job (over 30 hours a week) 863
4 In a part-time job 262
5 In full time education at university, college or school 7979
6 Taking a break from study or work 65
7 Looking after the home or family 37
8 Doing something else 49
9 Item not applicable 0
10 Not answered (9) 110
-99.99 3544
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationYouth Cohort Study of England and Wales, 2000-2002