
UK Data Service variable record for:

Youth Cohort Study of England and Wales, 2000-2002

Variable Details

LabelWHYCHO1 EDIT: Code of first other reason for applying to this uni?
1 It has a good academic reputation 13
2 The course is the best available in my chosen subject 33
3 I think I can get in there 12
4 It offers a good social life 3
5 It has good facilities 13
6 Graduates from there have good employment prospects 4
7 Other people in my family have been to that college/universi 4
8 I should be able to get part-time work in that area/ keep my 3
9 I like the city / town where it is located 25
10 I would like to move to that area 12
11 I want to stay in this area / it is not too far away 17
12 To keep my living costs low 2
13 To be with my friends/ partner 4
14 Other 94
15 NEW CODE I like the course/ course structure there 42
16 NEW CODE Have friends there/ know people 13
17 NEW CODE Friends/ people recommended it 29
18 NEW CODE Visited it (on an open day) 20
-99.99 13355
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationYouth Cohort Study of England and Wales, 2000-2002