
UK Data Service variable record for:

Youth Cohort Study of England and Wales, 2000-2002

Variable Details

LabelA24OQ1 Are you studying for any other vocational or professional
1 GCSE 0
2 GCSE short course (specific mentions) 0
3 NCC (national curriculum certificate) 0
4 GCE A-level 0
5 GCE A/S exam 0
6 S level 0
7 Other academic qualifications (excluding higher education) n 0
8 GNVQ Foundation 0
9 GNVQ Intermediate 0
10 GNVQ Advanced 0
11 Part 1 GNVQ Foundation 0
12 Part 1 GNVQ Intermediate 0
13 Part 1 GNVQ Advanced 0
14 Other GNVQ (not codes 08-10) 0
15 RSA NVQ level 1/certificate 1
16 RSA NVQ level 2/diploma 0
17 RSA NVQ level 3/advanced diploma/teaching certificate 0
18 RSA NVQ level4/higher diploma/teaching diploma 0
19 RSA don't know NVQ level/other RSA 9
20 BTEC NVQ level 1/first/general certificate 0
21 BTEC NVQ level 2/first/general diploma 0
22 BTEC NVQ level 3/national certificate/diploma 5
23 BTEC NVQ level 4/higher certificate/diploma 1
24 BTEC don't know NVQ level/other BTEC 0
25 City & guilds NVQ level 1/part 1 0
26 *City & guilds NVQ level 2/part2/craft/intermediate 0
27 **City & guilds NVQ level 3/part 3/final/advanced craft 0
28 ***City & guilds NVQ level 4/career extension/ftc 0
29 City & guilds don't know NVQ level/other c & g 0
30 City & guilds diploma or vocational education (dve) national 0
31 *City & guilds diploma of vocational education (dve) interme 0
32 **City & guilds diploma of vocational education (dve) not kn 0
33 NVQ (not RSA BTEC or c & g) level 1 0
34 *NVQ (not RSA BTEC or c & g) level 2 1
35 **NVQ (not RSA BTEC or c & g) level 3 0
36 ***NVQ (not RSA BTEC or c & g) level 4 0
37 ****NVQ (not RSA BTEC or c & g) don't know level/other NVQ 1
38 Cpve 0
39 International baccalaureate 0
40 OND/ONC recode as BTEC level 3 0
41 HND/HNC recode as BTEC level 4 0
42 Regional examining bodies 0
43 Professional qualifications 0
44 Other band c nec at NVQ level 1 0
45 *Other band c nec at NVQ level 2 0
46 **Other band c nec at NVQ level 3 3
47 ***Other band c nec at NVQ level 4 13
48 ****Other band c nec NVQ level not stated (include lcci) & d 3
49 High degree of postgraduate awards 0
50 Teacher training 0
51 First degree 0
52 Diploma of higher education (dip he) 3
53 Other higher education diploma or certificate 17
54 *Professional qualifications - higher education 0
55 *Other higher education 0
56 Other qualification band not known 3
57 No qualification 21
58 Unclear/uncodeable 1
59 Qualification not stated 95
-99.99 13521
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationYouth Cohort Study of England and Wales, 2000-2002