
UK Data Service variable record for:

Youth Cohort Study of England and Wales, 2000-2002

Variable Details

LabelA31 SIC of firm where you work or receive training
1 Agriculture, hunting & forestry(1-2) 76
2 Fishing(5) 4
3 Mining and quarrying(10-14) 1
4 Manufacturing(15-37) 303
5 Electricity, gas and water supply(40-41) 14
6 Construction(45) 127
7 Wholesale, retail trade, repair of motor vehicles etc.(50-52 2662
8 Hotels and restaurants(55) 1353
9 Transport, storage and communications(60-64) 75
10 Financial intermediation(65-67) 69
11 Real estate, renting and business activities(70-74) 344
12 Public admin. and defence(75) 60
13 Education(80) 66
14 Health and social work(85) 198
15 Other community, social and personal service activities(90-9 441
16 Private households with employed persons(95) 0
17 Extra territorial organisations and bodies(99) 0
18 Receptionist 1
19 Clerk/clerical 4
20 Secretarial 2
21 Admin assistant 1
22 Accounts clerk/assistant 7
23 Customer care advisor/assistant 38
24 Others 152
-99.99 7700
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationYouth Cohort Study of England and Wales, 2000-2002