
UK Data Service variable record for:

Youth Cohort Study of England and Wales, 2000-2002

Variable Details

LabelANYCON1 EDIT: Code of first other problem with taking a course HE
1 It is expensive/ you can get into debt 1
2 You still have to depend on your parents for money 1
3 You have to delay becoming financially independent 0
4 Your friends start working and earning money while you are s 0
5 There is no guarantee of a good job at the end 0
6 The application process is difficult/ off-putting 3
7 It is difficult to know what it will be like beforehand 1
8 It can be hard to fit in/ settle in 2
9 The workload can be hard 0
10 My family wanted me to start working/ earning a living 0
11 Teachers/ careers staff advised me not to 0
12 Other 24
13 NEW CODE Cost of accommodation 5
14 NEW CODE Availability of accommodation 4
15 NEW CODE Being away from home 3
16 NEW CODE Finding a job while studying 0
17 NEW CODE Having enough qualifications to get in 26
18 NEW CODE Hard to get back to study after a gap year 1
-99.99 13627
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationYouth Cohort Study of England and Wales, 2000-2002