0000 |
Military/airline/merchant |
140 |
0100 |
UK / United Kingdom Q1 |
0 |
0110 |
England (Q18 Mig only) |
0 |
0120 |
Wales (Q18 Mig only) |
0 |
0130 |
Scotland (Q18 Mig only) |
0 |
0140 |
N Ireland (Q18 Mig only) |
0 |
0150 |
British Overseas Q1 |
122 |
0160 |
Isle of Man (Q18 Mig only) |
7 |
0190 |
UK not spec (Q18 Mig only) |
0 |
0200 |
Iceland |
24 |
0210 |
Eire/Irish Republic |
827 |
0300 |
Gibraltar |
24 |
0310 |
Malta |
301 |
0320 |
Cyprus |
438 |
0500 |
Belgium |
931 |
0600 |
Luxembourg |
44 |
0700 |
France/ Corsica |
5168 |
0800 |
Germany |
1335 |
0990 |
EEC - DK country (QI only) |
0 |
1000 |
Italy/Sardinia/Vatican |
1190 |
1100 |
Dutch/Holland/Netherlands |
1200 |
1200 |
Denmark |
187 |
1600 |
Turkey |
162 |
1700 |
Finland |
118 |
1800 |
Norway |
171 |
2000 |
Sweden |
286 |
2100 |
Austria |
424 |
2200 |
Greece/Crete Rhodes/Corfu |
223 |
2300 |
Portugal |
418 |
2390 |
Madeira/Azores |
132 |
2500 |
Spain/Balearic I/etc |
2162 |
2590 |
Canary Islands |
2414 |
2600 |
Switzerland |
715 |
2700 |
Yugoslavia |
8 |
2710 |
Bosnia Herzegovina |
5 |
2720 |
Croatia |
22 |
2730 |
Macedonia |
1 |
2740 |
Montenegro |
1 |
2750 |
Serbia |
5 |
2760 |
Slovenia |
6 |
2800 |
Andorra |
112 |
2810 |
Faroe Islands |
0 |
2820 |
Liechtenstein |
0 |
2830 |
Monaco |
11 |
2840 |
San Marino |
0 |
3000 |
Bulgaria |
46 |
3010 |
Romania |
26 |
3020 |
Czechoslovakia |
5 |
3030 |
Czech Republic |
159 |
3040 |
Slovakia |
11 |
3050 |
Hungary |
75 |
3060 |
Poland |
80 |
3070 |
Albania |
5 |
3090 |
Russia |
70 |
3100 |
Armenia |
4 |
3110 |
Azerbaijan |
4 |
3120 |
Byelorussia |
4 |
3130 |
Estonia |
12 |
3140 |
Georgia |
2 |
3150 |
Kazakh |
7 |
3160 |
Kirgiz |
2 |
3170 |
Latvia |
7 |
3180 |
Lithuania |
14 |
3190 |
Moldavia |
1 |
3200 |
Tadzik |
0 |
3210 |
Turkmen |
0 |
3220 |
Ukraine |
5 |
3230 |
Usbek |
2 |
3500 |
Algeria |
6 |
3510 |
Libya |
2 |
3520 |
Morocco |
84 |
3530 |
Sudan |
9 |
3540 |
Tunisia |
172 |
3550 |
Egypt/United Arab Rep |
270 |
3560 |
Spanish Nth/W Africa/Sahara |
18 |
4000 |
Gambia |
52 |
4010 |
Ghana |
41 |
4020 |
Nigeria |
40 |
4030 |
Sierra Leone |
2 |
4040 |
St Helena/Ascension/Tristan/Da Cunha |
0 |
4100 |
Kenya |
114 |
4110 |
Lesotho |
1 |
4120 |
Malawi |
3 |
4130 |
Mauritius |
65 |
4140 |
Seychelles |
7 |
4150 |
Tanzania/Zanzibar |
20 |
4160 |
Uganda |
6 |
4170 |
Zambia |
5 |
4180 |
Botswana |
5 |
4190 |
Swaziland |
1 |
4200 |
South Africa |
463 |
4210 |
Namibia |
5 |
4300 |
Zimbabwe |
18 |
4500 |
Benin/Dahomey |
0 |
4510 |
Gabon |
1 |
4520 |
Guinea |
0 |
4530 |
Guinea - Bissau |
0 |
4540 |
Ivory Coast |
2 |
4550 |
Liberia |
0 |
4560 |
Mali |
0 |
4570 |
Mauritania |
1 |
4580 |
Niger |
0 |
4590 |
Senegal |
5 |
4600 |
Togo |
0 |
4610 |
Burkina Faso |
0 |
4700 |
Angola |
5 |
4710 |
Burundi |
0 |
4720 |
Cameroon |
1 |
4730 |
Central African Rep |
0 |
4740 |
Chad |
1 |
4750 |
Congo(Brazzaville) |
1 |
4760 |
Zaire/Congo |
2 |
4770 |
Ethiopia |
5 |
4780 |
Madagascar/Malagasy |
3 |
4790 |
Mozambique |
4 |
4800 |
Rwanda |
1 |
4810 |
Somalia |
1 |
4820 |
Djibouti/Affars & Issas |
0 |
4830 |
Antarctica etc (Foreign) |
7 |
4840 |
Eritrea |
1 |
4850 |
Maldives |
37 |
5000 |
Australia/Tasmania |
858 |
5100 |
New Zealand |
345 |
5200 |
Fiji |
2 |
5300 |
New Guinea/Papua New Guinea |
1 |
5310 |
French Polynesia/Tahiti |
2 |
5320 |
American Samoa to Wake Is/Oceania |
3 |
5330 |
New Caledonia |
1 |
5400 |
Christmas Is to Vanuatu/Oceania |
0 |
5500 |
Bahrain |
26 |
5510 |
Jordan |
31 |
5520 |
Kuwait |
22 |
5530 |
Oman |
24 |
5540 |
Qatar |
19 |
5550 |
United Arab Emrts/ UAE |
321 |
5700 |
Israel (incl Palestine) |
130 |
5720 |
Iran |
29 |
5730 |
Iraq |
1 |
5740 |
Lebanon |
25 |
5750 |
Saudi Arabia |
116 |
5760 |
Yemen/Nth & Sth |
2 |
5770 |
Syria |
7 |
6020 |
Bangladesh |
82 |
6030 |
Brunei |
8 |
6040 |
Sri Lanka/Ceylon |
183 |
6050 |
Malaysia/Borneo(NE Solon)/etc |
180 |
6060 |
Singapore |
100 |
6070 |
Hong Kong (BNOC) |
177 |
6100 |
India |
728 |
6200 |
Japan/Okinawa/Ryuku Is |
126 |
6500 |
Pakistan |
254 |
6510 |
Afghanistan |
0 |
6520 |
Bhutan |
0 |
6530 |
Burma/Myanma |
1 |
6540 |
Cambodia/Kampuchea |
2 |
6550 |
Indonesia/etc |
31 |
6560 |
Korea, South Rep |
20 |
6570 |
Laos |
1 |
6580 |
Macao |
1 |
6590 |
Nepal |
23 |
6600 |
Philippines |
46 |
6630 |
China (Taiwan only) |
26 |
6640 |
Thailand |
398 |
6650 |
Vietnam |
18 |
6800 |
China (excl Taiwan) /Tibet |
93 |
6810 |
Korea, North |
0 |
6820 |
Mongolia |
1 |
7000 |
Bermuda |
11 |
7010 |
Jamaica |
147 |
7020 |
Trinidad & Tobago |
65 |
7030 |
Antigua/Barbuda |
56 |
7040 |
Bahamas |
17 |
7050 |
Barbados |
127 |
7060 |
Virgin Islands (Br) |
4 |
7070 |
Cayman Islands |
17 |
7080 |
Dominica |
2 |
7090 |
Grenada |
32 |
7100 |
Montserrat |
5 |
7110 |
Anguilla/Nevis/St Kitts |
12 |
7120 |
St Lucia |
50 |
7130 |
St Vincent |
3 |
7140 |
Turks & Caicos Islands |
7 |
7320 |
Cuba |
32 |
7330 |
Dominican Republic |
123 |
7340 |
Guadaloupe |
3 |
7350 |
Haiti |
1 |
7360 |
Martinique |
3 |
7370 |
Aruba/Antilles/Curacao |
8 |
7500 |
Belize |
3 |
7510 |
Guyana |
9 |
7520 |
Falkland Is/British Antarctic |
0 |
7600 |
Argentina |
29 |
7610 |
Brazil |
70 |
7620 |
Mexico |
138 |
7630 |
Bolivia |
3 |
7640 |
Chile |
27 |
7650 |
Colombia |
12 |
7660 |
Ecuador |
9 |
7670 |
Paraguay |
0 |
7680 |
Peru |
9 |
7690 |
Uruguay |
4 |
7700 |
Venezuela |
27 |
7710 |
Costa Rica |
12 |
7720 |
El Salvador |
2 |
7730 |
Guatemala |
2 |
7740 |
Honduras |
0 |
7750 |
Nicaragua |
1 |
7760 |
French Guiana |
1 |
7770 |
Panama/Canal Zone |
1 |
7780 |
Dutch Guiana/Surinam |
1 |
8000 |
Canada |
506 |
8100 |
USA/ United States America |
3866 |
8200 |
Puerto Rico |
1 |
8210 |
Virgin Islands (USA) |
8 |
8300 |
St Pierre et Miquelon |
0 |
8310 |
Greenland |
0 |
8500 |
Cruise - Europe/Dep |
21 |
8501 |
Cruise - Europe/Arr: UK ship |
10 |
8502 |
Cruise - Europe/Arr: foreign |
5 |
8509 |
Cruise - Europe/Arr: dk ship |
0 |
8550 |
Cruise - Elsewh/Dep |
99 |
8551 |
Cruise - Elsewh/Arr: UK ship |
19 |
8552 |
Cruise - Elsewh/Arc foreign |
30 |
8559 |
Cruise - Elsewh/Arr: dk ship |
1 |
8590 |
Cruise - DK where: Arr & dep |
1 |
8888 |
Short Haul/Stay on Board |
212 |
9960 |
HK Admin Region of China Passport |
0 |
9970 |
Hong Kong (green cert; Ql) |
0 |
9980 |
Other stateless (Ql only) |
0 |
9990 |
DK Nationality (Ql) |
0 |
9999 |
DK Country of Residence' |
0 |