
UK Data Service variable record for:

British Social Attitudes Survey, 2001

Variable Details

LabelChurch/religious past 12mthC2.21c
Question text People sometimes belong to different kinds of groups or associations. The list below contains different types of groups. For each type of group, please tick a box to say whether you have taken part in the activities of this group in the past 12 months. A church or other religious organisation.
1 Took part>2 142
2 Took part 1 or 2 45
3 Belong/not take part 44
4 Not belong to group 574
8 Don't know 0
9 Not answered 107
-2 Skp,A+B versions 1883
-1 No self-compltn 492
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationBritish Social Attitudes Survey, 2001
Interviewer InstructionsPlease tick one box on each line.
UniverseAdults (18 and over) living in private households in Great Britain (excluding the 'crofting counties' north of the Caledonian Canal).<br>;Adults;National
SamplingMulti-stage stratified random sample;Sampling is conducted in four stages; from 1993 the sample has been drawn from the Postcode Address File, whereas in previous years it was drawn from the Electoral Register.
Study TypeRepeated cross-sectional study. The BSA survey is conducted annually.