10 per kidney |
1 |
?renal stone |
1 |
AAArthritus |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Anaemia |
1 |
Arthritis |
5 |
Arthritus |
1 |
Asthma |
2 |
Asthmatic |
1 |
Athritis |
1 |
1 |
Blood Pressure |
1 |
Bony leg injury |
1 |
Carpal tunnel syndrome |
1 |
Cataract cuniform |
1 |
Constipation |
1 |
1 |
Depression |
6 |
Diabetes |
1 |
Diverictlitis |
1 |
Diverticulitis |
1 |
Diverticulosis |
1 |
Dry eyes |
1 |
Dupres contractor |
1 |
1 |
Emphysema |
1 |
Enlarged heart |
1 |
Eyesight |
1 |
Gall bladder stone |
1 |
Glaucoma |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Hernia |
1 |
Hiatus hernia |
1 |
High blood pressure |
2 |
Hip Pain |
1 |
Hip problem |
1 |
Hip replacement |
1 |
Indigestion |
1 |
Irritable bowel syndrome |
2 |
1 |
Kidney complaint |
1 |
1 |
Leg 2" shorter with pin |
1 |
Liver problem |
1 |
Liver problems |
1 |
ME |
1 |
1 |
Mild nerve damage in left arm |
1 |
Muscular dystrophy |
1 |
Neck and shoulder pain |
1 |
Ostio arthritus |
1 |
Overweight |
1 |
1 |
Pain in heels |
1 |
1 |
Reactive stress disorder |
1 |
Reynaud's disease |
2 |
Rheumatoid arthritis |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Severe headaches |
1 |
Stamach failure |
1 |
Stress incontinence |
1 |
Stroke |
1 |
Thyroid problem (surgery ) |
1 |
Under active thyroid |
1 |
Varicose veins |
1 |
acid stomach |
1 |
acidy stomach |
1 |
agrophobia |
1 |
alchol |
1 |
alcoholism |
2 |
allergies |
1 |
allergy |
2 |
allergy to sun |
1 |
amputated toes |
1 |
anaemia |
1 |
anemia pernisious |
1 |
aneurysm |
1 |
angina |
11 |
ankilosing spondilitis |
1 |
anxiety |
1 |
anxiety neorosis |
1 |
anxiety/depression |
1 |
arithus |
1 |
arthoritis |
1 |
arthriis |
1 |
arthritis |
38 |
arthritis elbows |
1 |
arthritis in feet |
1 |
arthritis in neck |
1 |
arthritis in the neck |
1 |
arthritis of knee |
3 |
arthritis of spine |
1 |
arthritis of the knees |
1 |
arthritis oin spine |
1 |
arthrits |
1 |
arthritus |
11 |
arthritus,in neck and arm |
1 |
asthma |
21 |
asthmatic |
1 |
atheritis |
1 |
athletes foot |
1 |
athritis of knees |
1 |
athrtitis |
1 |
back |
5 |
back ach from slipped disc |
1 |
back pain |
3 |
back pains |
1 |
back problem |
1 |
back problems - kidneys |
1 |
back trouble |
1 |
back trouble degen spine disease |
1 |
back/neck trouble |
1 |
backache |
1 |
bad back |
1 |
bad heart |
1 |
bad knee |
1 |
balance |
1 |
blood clot on lung |
1 |
blood not flowing properly |
1 |
blood pressure |
3 |
bowel obstruction |
1 |
breast cancer |
1 |
breathing problems |
1 |
breathlessnes |
1 |
brnchiastasis |
1 |
broken bone in foot |
1 |
broken lf hand not knitted |
1 |
bronchial prob |
1 |
bronchial problem - chest problems |
1 |
bronchitis |
1 |
bulimia |
1 |
bursitis |
1 |
cancer |
1 |
cancer of bowel |
1 |
carpal tunnel syndrome |
2 |
cartilege problem |
1 |
cartledge injury to knee |
1 |
cataracts |
6 |
cateracts |
1 |
cerebral palsey |
1 |
chest |
1 |
chest problem (pain/wheezing) |
1 |
chest problems |
1 |
cholerserol |
1 |
chondromalac\ia |
1 |
chronic obstructive airways disease |
1 |
clinical depression |
2 |
collapsed lung |
1 |
comb biopsies for womb |
1 |
crumbling bones in wrist |
1 |
curvature of spine |
2 |
curviture of spine |
1 |
deafness |
3 |
depressed |
1 |
depression |
16 |
dermatitis |
1 |
diabetes |
8 |
diabetic |
3 |
diabetis |
2 |
diavaticulitis |
1 |
disc |
1 |
disc problem in knee |
1 |
disintegrating spine at base |
1 |
dislocated neck |
1 |
displaced hip/r |
1 |
diverticular |
1 |
diverticulitis |
3 |
diverticulous |
1 |
dizziness |
2 |
dizzy spells |
1 |
dry skin |
1 |
duodenal ulcer |
2 |
dvt |
1 |
dyslexia |
1 |
dyslexic |
1 |
ectopic heartbeat |
1 |
eczema |
4 |
emphysema |
1 |
emphysemia |
1 |
enlarged heart |
2 |
epilepsy |
3 |
erosion of spine |
1 |
excessive fluid throughout the body |
1 |
exma |
1 |
eye sight problems |
1 |
eyesight problems |
1 |
fear of going out |
1 |
feet and hands swell |
1 |
fibromyalgia |
2 |
fluid in ankles |
1 |
fluid retention |
1 |
foot |
1 |
foot pain |
1 |
fracture ankle |
1 |
frozen shoulder |
1 |
frozen shoulders |
1 |
gall bladder |
1 |
gallstones |
1 |
gastritis |
1 |
glaucoma |
5 |
gluchoma |
1 |
gout |
6 |
hay fever seasonal |
1 |
hayfever |
3 |
headaches |
1 |
heart |
3 |
heart by pass |
1 |
heart disease |
1 |
heart failure |
1 |
heart heamoragne |
1 |
heart problem |
1 |
heart trouble |
1 |
hernia |
6 |
hi blood pressure |
1 |
hiatis hernia |
1 |
hiatus hernia |
10 |
high bllod pressure |
1 |
high blood presssure |
1 |
high blood pressure |
30 |
high blood pressure and high cholesterol |
1 |
high blood pressurs |
1 |
high cholesterol |
3 |
high cholesterol levev |
1 |
high cholestrol |
3 |
high colesterol |
1 |
high colesterolo |
1 |
highcholestrol |
1 |
hip |
1 |
hip replacement |
2 |
hormone imbalance |
1 |
hyper tension |
1 |
hypertension |
5 |
iga deficiency |
1 |
iliostomy |
1 |
imune proble (removal of spleen) |
1 |
incisional hernia |
1 |
incontenence |
1 |
indigestion |
1 |
inflamed legs |
1 |
ingunicical hernia |
1 |
injured arm |
1 |
insomnia |
1 |
insomniac |
1 |
intestine blockage |
1 |
iritable bowel disease |
1 |
irregular heartbeat |
3 |
irritable bowel |
3 |
irritable bowel sydrome |
1 |
irritable bowel syndrom |
1 |
irritable bowel syndrome |
1 |
kidney damage |
1 |
kidney part not working |
1 |
kidney problems |
1 |
kidney stones |
1 |
knee |
2 |
knee cap removal |
1 |
knee cartilage |
1 |
knee ligaments pulled |
1 |
leaking valve in heart |
1 |
left vocalchordpalsy |
1 |
leg pain due to old fractures |
1 |
liver problems |
2 |
loss of eye |
1 |
low blood pressure |
1 |
low density bones |
1 |
lowwer back pain |
1 |
lumbago |
1 |
lump on foot-recently removed by operati |
1 |
lung |
1 |
masectomy |
2 |
mastoid |
1 |
mauscle wastage |
1 |
menhoragia |
1 |
menopause |
1 |
meyasemia |
1 |
migraine |
2 |
migraines |
1 |
migranes |
1 |
mild depression |
1 |
neck |
1 |
neck injury |
1 |
neck pain |
2 |
nerve |
1 |
nerves |
2 |
nervous breakdown |
1 |
nervous problem |
1 |
nervous tick |
1 |
neuropathy |
1 |
none |
3 |
obsessive compulsive disorder |
1 |
obstruction to kidney |
1 |
oleostomy |
1 |
oritis |
1 |
osteo arthritis |
4 |
osteo arthritus |
1 |
osteo perosis |
1 |
osteo-arthiritis |
1 |
osteo-arthritis |
1 |
osteoarthritis |
1 |
osteoporisis |
1 |
osteoporosis |
4 |
ostoperosis |
1 |
pain in shoulder after fall |
1 |
painful knees |
1 |
panic attacks |
1 |
paralysed from waist down |
1 |
parkiinsons disease |
1 |
parkinsons |
1 |
paroxysmal atrial |
1 |
pemphigoid - skin disease |
1 |
pernicious aenemia |
1 |
piloes |
1 |
pituitiart |
1 |
pneumonic |
1 |
poor circulation |
1 |
poor hearing |
1 |
poor sight |
1 |
pre menstrual tension |
1 |
pre-menstrual tension |
1 |
premenstrual tension |
1 |
problem periods |
1 |
problem with balance-not yet diagnosed |
1 |
prolapse |
1 |
prolapsed bladder |
1 |
prolapsed disc |
1 |
prostate |
1 |
prostate problems |
2 |
prostrate problem |
1 |
psoriasis |
2 |
psyritic arthritis |
1 |
pulmonary embolism |
1 |
r.s i |
1 |
reactive depression |
1 |
removal of lung |
1 |
renal failure |
1 |
repetative strain injury, back |
1 |
restless legs |
1 |
retina hardening |
1 |
rheumatism |
1 |
rheumatoid arthritis |
1 |
rhinitus |
1 |
rhumatoid artiritis |
1 |
right knee arthiritris |
1 |
ripped groin |
1 |
rotator cuff lesion-right shoulder |
1 |
run down |
1 |
sciatica |
7 |
sclero |
1 |
severe migraines |
1 |
short sighted |
1 |
short sightedness |
1 |
short-term memory loss |
1 |
siaticia |
1 |
sight problems from birth |
1 |
sinus |
1 |
sinusitis |
1 |
skin allergy (vitimin C deficiency) |
1 |
sleep |
1 |
slipped disc |
1 |
speech impediment |
1 |
spinabifida |
1 |
spleen |
1 |
spodolosis |
1 |
spondalitis |
2 |
spondelosus |
1 |
spondolitis |
1 |
spondylosis |
1 |
srthritis |
1 |
stomach prob |
1 |
stomach ulcer |
2 |
stomach/acid |
1 |
stress |
7 |
stroke |
6 |
surgical hernia |
1 |
systemic lupus |
1 |
taste |
1 |
tendonitis |
1 |
tennis elbow |
1 |
throat infection prone to |
1 |
thrombosis |
1 |
thrush |
1 |
thryoid overactive |
1 |
thyroid |
2 |
thyroid gland |
1 |
thyroid problem |
2 |
thyroid under active |
1 |
thyroid underactive |
1 |
thyroid-overactive |
1 |
tinitus |
1 |
tinnitus |
2 |
toe - fusion of PM joint |
1 |
toes |
1 |
transcient ischaemic attacks |
1 |
tumour |
1 |
tyroid problems |
1 |
ulcer |
2 |
ulcer in stomach |
1 |
ulcers |
1 |
un der activ thyroid |
1 |
under active thyroid |
1 |
varicose veins |
1 |
varicose veins in legs |
1 |
varicous leg ulcers |
1 |
vein |
1 |
vertigo |
1 |
waldenstron's macroglobulinemia |
1 |
water retention |
1 |
wear & tear low back pain |
1 |