
UK Data Service variable record for:

Millennium Cohort Study: First Survey, 2001-2003

Variable Details

LabelStratum within Country
1 England - Advantaged 4617
2 England - Disadvantaged 4522
3 England - Ethnic 2394
4 Wales - Advantaged 832
5 Wales - Disadvantaged 1928
6 Scotland - Advantaged 1145
7 Scotland - Disadvantaged 1191
8 Northern Ireland - Advantaged 723
9 Northern Ireland - Disadvantaged 1200
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationMillennium Cohort Study: First Survey, 2001-2003
UniverseThe sample population for MCS was drawn from all live births in the United Kingdom over 12 months (from 1 September 2000 in England and Wales and for 59 weeks from 22 November 2000 in Scotland and Northern Ireland).;National
SamplingMulti-stage stratified random sample;See documentation for details.
Study TypeLongitudinal/panel/cohort<br><br>Four waves have been conducted to date: MCS1 (age 9 months), MCS2 (age 3 years), MCS3 (age 5 years) and MCS4 (age 7 years).<br><br>The population of eligible live births was selected from a random sample of electoral wards, disproportionately stratified to ensure adequate representation of all four UK countries, deprived areas and those with high concentrations of black and Asian families. See documentation for further details.