
UK Data Service variable record for:

ONS Omnibus Survey, July 2002

Variable Details

LabelDid/Is HRP?
Question text I would now like to ask you about <text fill, name of HRP>(HRP). May I just check did <text fill, name of HRP> have a paid job last week/or was <TEXT FILL, HE/SHE> on a government scheme for employment training, or is <TEXT FILL, HE/SHE> retired and not in paid work, or neither of these?
1 Have a paid job last week 1086
2 Retired and not in paid work 510
3 Neither of these? 249
8 Refused 2
9 Don't know 1
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationONS Omnibus Survey, July 2002
UniverseAdults, aged 16 or over, living in private households in Great Britain.;Adults;Households;National
SamplingMulti-stage stratified random sample
Study TypeRepeated cross-sectional study, monthly (up to year 2000), eight cycles per year thereafter.