
UK Data Service variable record for:

Continuous Household Survey, 2002-2003

Variable Details

LabelWhich substances have you used 4 weeks 1
0 Question not asked 0
1 Solvents (glue, Tippex, lighter fuel, pe 3
2 Cannabis (marijuana, dope, pot, blow, ha 93
3 Ecstasy (E, dennis the menace) 5
4 Speed (amphetamines, uppers, whiz, sulph 1
5 LSD (acid, tabs, trips) 0
6 Poppers (amyl nitrates, liquid gold, nit 1
7 Tranquillisers (downers, barbiturates, b 4
8 Heroin (morphine, smack, skag, H) 0
9 Magic mushrooms (mushies, psilocybin) 1
10 Methadone (phy, meth) 0
11 Crack (rock, sand, stone, pebbles) 0
12 Cocaine (coke, charlie) 3
13 Anabolic steroids 0
14 Nubane 0
15 None 175
-3 Refused 0
-1 Dont Know 0
Sysmiss 5092
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationContinuous Household Survey, 2002-2003