
UK Data Service variable record for:

Continuous Household Survey, 1984

Variable Details

LabelMost important causes of poverty 1
-3 refused 1
-2 missing 2
-1 dont know 50
1 age and loneliness 630
2 sickness,ill health 696
3 chronic unemployment 2989
4 lack of education 296
5 deprived childhood 129
6 lack of foresight 352
7 drinking 811
8 laziness 195
9 too many children 238
10 too many foreign companies 2
11 high cost of transport 0
12 high cost of petrol 0
13 unjust society 4
14 lack of incentive 0
15 low income 3
16 bad Government 6
17 other 34
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationContinuous Household Survey, 1984