
UK Data Service variable record for:

Continuous Household Survey, 1984

Variable Details

LabelWhy did you stop work
-3 dont know 0
-2 missing 2
-1 refused 1
0 5724
1 pregnancy,start family 26
2 get married,change of domestic resp. 14
3 own ill health,accident 69
4 retired voluntary 35
5 retired compulsary 3
6 redundancy,job finished 363
7 temporary,holiday job 3
8 returned to studies 7
9 resigned 46
10 dismissed 11
11 emigrate,moved etc. 10
12 seasonal worker 4
13 job release 0
14 start GTC training etc 0
15 never worked 120
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationContinuous Household Survey, 1984