
UK Data Service variable record for:

Scottish Household Survey, 1999-2000: Lite Version

Variable Details

LabelHas there been a fire of any sort in the place where you were living in the last year?
Question text I would now like to ask about fires in the home. This means all sorts of fires, including chip pan fires and very minor fires and includes fires in sheds, garages or greenhouses. Has there been a fire of any sort in the place where you were living in the last year?
1 Yes 563
2 No 27823
Sysmiss 1841
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationScottish Household Survey, 1999-2000: Lite Version
UniverseHouseholds and individual adults within households in Scotland.;Scottish Adults;National
SamplingSimple random sample; Multi-stage stratified random sample;Random adult sample
Study TypeRepeated cross-sectional study. This study is the Lite version of the SHS 1999-2000, whereas SN 4351 contains the full dataset.