
UK Data Service variable record for:

Scottish Social Attitudes Survey, 2003

Variable Details

LabelR happy work with diff.racial/ethnicQ388
Question text Some people say they would be happy to work beside a suitably qualified person from a different racial or ethnic background, while others say they would be unhappy about this. Would you be happy or unhappy if you had to work beside a suitably qualified person from a different racial or ethnic background?
1 Very happy 458
2 Happy 652
3 Neither happy nor unhappy 300
4 Unhappy 42
5 Very unhappy 9
6 (It depends) 25
8 Don't know 19
9 Not answered 3
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationScottish Social Attitudes Survey, 2003
Interviewer InstructionsCARD D9
UniversePersons aged 18 years and over resident in Scotland, including north of the Great Glen.;Scottish Adults;National
SamplingMulti-stage stratified random sample
Study TypeRepeated cross-sectional study. Data are collected annually