110 |
Fully cooperating interview with household |
21819 |
120 |
Fully cooperating - personal & proxy |
6971 |
130 |
Fully cooperating interview by proxy |
70 |
212 |
Partially cooperating due to non contact |
0 |
213 |
Partially cooperating due to refusal |
0 |
214 |
Partially cooperating due to missing info |
0 |
222 |
Partially cooperating due to non contact |
0 |
223 |
Partially cooperating due to refusal |
0 |
224 |
Partially cooperating due to missing info |
0 |
232 |
Partially cooperating due to non contact |
0 |
233 |
Partially cooperating due to refusal |
0 |
234 |
Partially cooperating due to missing info |
0 |
310 |
No contact with anyone at the address |
0 |
320 |
Multi - contact made but not with selected HH |
0 |
330 |
No contact made with responsible resident |
0 |
411 |
Refusal to advance letter |
0 |
412 |
Refusal to an Interviewer Letter |
0 |
420 |
Multi - Info refused about no. of households |
0 |
431 |
Refusal by adult member of household at intro |
0 |
432 |
Refusal by proxy before interview |
0 |
441 |
HRP BU refused to complete interview |
0 |
442 |
Refusal during interview - 12 or more DK/Ref |
0 |
450 |
Broken appointment, no re-contact |
0 |
510 |
HRP BU Ill at home during survey period |
0 |
511 |
Ill at home during survey period - Head office |
0 |
512 |
Ill at home during survey period - Interviewer |
0 |
520 |
HRP BU Away/in hospital all field period |
0 |
521 |
Away/in hospital all field period - Head Office |
0 |
522 |
Away/in hospital all field period - Interviewer |
0 |
530 |
HRP BU physically or mentally incompetent |
0 |
531 |
Physically or mentally incompetent - Head Office |
0 |
532 |
Physically or mentally incompetent - Interviewer |
0 |
540 |
HRP BU Language difficulties |
0 |
541 |
Language difficulties - Head Office |
0 |
542 |
Language difficulties - Interviewer |
0 |
550 |
Office approval only - Lost productive |
0 |
561 |
Full interview - respondent requests deletion |
0 |
562 |
Partial - Respondent requests deletion |
0 |
563 |
Other unproductive - give details |
0 |
611 |
Not attempted - not issued to interviewer |
0 |
612 |
Issued but not attempted |
0 |
620 |
Inaccessible |
0 |
621 |
Inaccessible due to foot and mouth crisis |
0 |
630 |
Unable to locate address |
0 |
641 |
Unknown if address residential - refusal |
0 |
642 |
Unknown if address residential - non contact |
0 |
651 |
Residential address - refusal to eligibility |
0 |
652 |
Residential address - non contact to eligible |
0 |
710 |
Not yet built/ under construction |
0 |
720 |
Demolished /derelict |
0 |
730 |
Vacant /empty housing unit |
0 |
740 |
Non-residential address |
0 |
750 |
Address occupied, but not as Main residence |
0 |
760 |
Communal establishment/institution |
0 |
771 |
Foreign diplomat or serviceman |
0 |
772 |
All residents under 16 years |
0 |
773 |
Other resident household - no-one eligible |
0 |
781 |
Directed not to sample at address |
0 |
782 |
Scottish pre-selection instructs no interview |
0 |
783 |
Household limit on quota already reached |
0 |
790 |
Other ineligible - please explain |
0 |