
UK Data Service variable record for:

National Diet and Nutrition Survey : Adults Aged 19 to 64 Years, 2000-2001

Variable Details

"Grown without chemicals" 1
"Sprayed with something" 1
1 2
3-4 traditional naturel sustainable 1
Combination of 3.5.6 1
Everything is natural 1
Grown naturally without any artificial ingredients 1
Natural; no sprays 1
Naturally grown 1
No chemicals 2
No preservatives added, more fresh, untampered 1
Not GM or factoy farmed 1
Not genetically modified 1
Should be a health food - better 1
Without pesticides and chemicals and hormones 1
additives and prfeservatives 1
all grown fresh ,differently,in a better way,no sp 1
been grown differnetly, different sprays 1
chemicalled 1
d 1
dont have any sprays or anything 1
expensive 2
farm fed and no pesticides 1
farmers have grown the product without adding anyt 1
for people who don't eat meat and eat more vegetab 1
forced in a greenhouse and they cost more 1
fre from preservatives 1
free from additives 1
free of chemicals for growing 1
free of pesticides and enhancers 1
fresh from the garden 1
freshly grown in compost made with fruits 1
grown absolutly nauturally 1
grown differently modified crops 1
grown in an ancient,m traitionn al maner 1
grown in special fields without anything added but 1
grown in the ground 1
grown naturally 3
grown naturally without any sprays or pesticides 1
grown naturally without fert and anything false 1
grown on horse muck 1
grown on small farms more nutrients-less additives 1
grown with less chemicals + fallow ground 1
grown with less harmful pesticides 1
grown withoput chemicals,meat produced organically 1
grown without additives not genetically modified 1
grown without artificial additives or hormone 1
grown without being speeded up or forced 1
grown without chemicals 1
grown without fertiliser 1
grown without pesticides and not genticically odif 1
grown without sprays 1
grown without sprays or addatives like it used tob 1
grwon naturally suing nothing like sprays 1
in order to feed more people 1
it is more expensive 1
its a marketing exercise 1
its a marketing thing but it doesnt mean much 1
just made 1
less sprays/pesticides 1
made with bacteria cultures 1
makes prices dearer 1
manufactured in a special way, I dont know really 1
meant to be without added chemicals but in fact is 1
more pure 1
natural 2
natural products grown eg opn pasture which hasnt 1
naturallly grown 1
naturally grown 10
naturally grown in better soil 1
naturally grown with no fertilisers 1
no 1
no addatives or stuff like that 1
no additives 1
no additives,free range,happy animals 1
no artificial preservatives or colorants 1
no chemicals aded to and a natural product unadul 1
no preservatives 2
no preservatives added to them to keep them fresh 1
non use of manures 1
not as many preservatives 1
not bulk farmed with pesticides 1
not cloned or genetically modified 1
not damaging the environment 1
not fatty 1
not geneticcal modified 1
not procesed 1
not sprayed but grtown naturally 1
not sprayed by anything 1
nothing artificial,grown naturally 1
organic isnt technically pesticide free but is sup 1
produced out of the field 1
pure food 1
pure with nothing added 1
recognised as being part of or supplies by an orga 1
soilfree of phosphates 1
tasteless 1
that they havn't got the chemicles on 1
they have to go by certain standards nothing added 1
where is is grown without sprays and grown natura 1
without any chemicals 1
without gm moified ingredients 1
you cannot get diseases from the organic foods 1
you would lose weight if you eat them 1
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationNational Diet and Nutrition Survey : Adults Aged 19 to 64 Years, 2000-2001