
UK Data Service variable record for:

National Diet and Nutrition Survey : Adults Aged 19 to 64 Years, 2000-2001

Variable Details

LabelDay 7: Time at work in MAIN job
0:00 6
0:45 1
10:00 37
10:10 1
10:20 2
10:30 5
10:40 1
10:44 1
10:45 2
11:00 7
11:10 1
11:30 6
11:40 1
11:45 3
12:00 20
12:10 1
12:30 1
13:00 2
13:30 2
13:45 1
14:00 3
15:00 2
15:15 1
15:30 1
16:00 1
1:00 5
1:15 1
1:30 5
2:00 13
2:15 1
2:30 5
2:50 1
3:00 16
3:10 1
3:15 2
3:30 6
3:45 2
4:00 38
4:15 1
4:30 5
4:45 2
4:50 1
5:00 25
5:30 10
5:40 1
5:45 2
6:00 39
6:10 1
6:15 2
6:30 11
6:35 1
6:40 2
6:45 3
7:00 72
7:15 8
7:20 4
7:30 90
7:35 2
7:40 2
7:45 13
7:50 1
7:55 2
8:00 130
8:10 2
8:15 6
8:20 2
8:30 53
8:40 2
8:45 6
8:47 1
8:48 1
8:50 6
9:00 67
9:05 1
9:10 2
9:15 5
9:20 1
9:30 15
9:40 2
9:45 1
9:50 1
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationNational Diet and Nutrition Survey : Adults Aged 19 to 64 Years, 2000-2001