
UK Data Service variable record for:

National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles II, 2000-2001

Variable Details

Labeloccupation last week 2
Question text Which of these descriptions applies to what you were doing last week, that is, in the seven days ending last Sunday?
-1 no other descriptions applicable 10601
1 full time education (incl. if on holiday) 21
2 government training/employment scheme 4
3 paid employment (incl. self-employment) 268
4 waiting to take-up paid work already obtained 11
5 unemployed and registered for benefit 26
6 unemployed, not registered, but actively looking for a job 14
7 unemployed wanting a job, but not actively looking for a job 13
8 long-time sickness/disability 9
9 looking after the home/family 1037
10 doing something else 64
11 retired 6
99 not answered 36
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationNational Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles II, 2000-2001
Interviewer InstructionsCARD C2 PROBE: Which others? CODE ALL THAT APPLY.
UniverseLocation of units of observation: National;Population: Men and women aged 16-44 living in private households in Great Britain in 2000-2001.
SamplingMulti-stage stratified random sample
Study TypeRepeated cross-sectional study. Second wave: the first survey was conducted in 1990-1991.