
UK Data Service variable record for:

Offending, Crime and Justice Survey, 2003

Variable Details

LabelMinor Standard Occupation Classification 1990 HRPs
10 Gen managers & admin in nat and loc gov, large comps & orgs 52
11 Productions mngrs in mnfng, cnstrctn, mnng and energy inds 94
12 Specialist managers 448
13 Financial inst & office mngrs, civil serv exec officers 207
14 Managers in transport and storing 63
15 Protective service officers 11
16 Managers in farming, horticulture, forestry and fishing 9
17 Managers and proprietors in service industries 359
19 Managers and administrators nec 65
20 Natural scientists 52
21 Engineers and technologists 178
22 Health professionals 32
23 Teaching professionals 257
24 Legal professionals 62
25 Business and financial professionals 47
26 Architects, town planners and surveyors 41
27 Librarians and related professionals 3
29 Professional occupations nec 73
30 Scientific technicians 44
31 Draughtspersons, quantity and other surveyors 15
32 Computer analyst/programmers 0
33 Ship & aircraft offs, air traffic planners and controllers 18
34 Health associate professionals 58
35 Legal associate professionals 0
36 Business and financial associate professionals 115
37 Social welfare associate professionals 80
38 Literary, artistic and sports professionals 109
39 Associate professional and technical occupations nec 90
40 Admin/clerical offs and asstnts in civil serv & local gov 48
41 Numerical clerks and cashiers 74
42 Filing and records clerks 7
43 Clerks (not otherwise specified) 0
44 Stores and despatch clerks, storekeepers 118
45 Secretaries, pers assnts, typists, word processor operators 77
46 Receptionists, telephonists and related occupations 22
49 Clerical and secretarial occupations nec 0
50 Construction trades 257
51 Metal machining, fitting and instrument making trades 186
52 Electrical/electronic trades 163
53 Metal forming, welding and related trades 172
54 Vehicle trades 20
55 Textiles, garments and related trades 57
56 Printing and related trades 35
57 Woodworking trades 21
58 Food preparation trades 15
59 Other craft and related occupations nec 86
60 NCOs and other ranks, armed forces 0
61 Security and protective service occupations 130
62 Catering occupations 110
63 Travel attendants and related occupations 2
64 Health and related occupations 162
65 Childcare and related occupations 117
66 Hairdressers, beauticians and related occupations 5
67 Domestic staff and related occupations 48
69 Personal and protective service occupations nec 32
70 Buyers, brokers and related agents 34
71 Sales representatives 44
72 Sales assistants and check-out operators 39
73 Mobile, market and door-to-door salespersons and agents 18
79 Sales occupations nec 19
80 Food, drink and tobacco process operatives 40
81 Textiles and tannery process operatives 8
82 Chemicals, paper, plastics and related process operatives 39
83 Metal making and treating process operatives 10
84 Metal working process operatives 10
85 Assemblers/lineworkers 49
86 Other routine process operatives 104
87 Road transport operatives 350
88 Other transport and machinery operatives 97
89 Plant and machine operatives nec 101
90 Other occupations in agriculture, forestry and fishing 18
91 Other occupations in mining and manufacturing 55
92 Other occupations in construction 65
93 Other occupations in transport 51
94 Other occupations in communication 15
95 Other occupations in sales and services 272
99 Other occupations nec 4
Sysmiss 4091
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationOffending, Crime and Justice Survey, 2003